Revengeful railing 🌹

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{Heyyyyyy. This is not a continuation of the chapter called "Breaking Point", just thought I'd put that out there. So warning: kind of dubious consent, degrading, mention of death, punctual sex, begging, manipulation. I think that's everything, enjoy.}


Henry jumped when his bedroom door flung open, almost breaking off the hinges. Henry placed his book down in a panic as William stormed into the room. William reached down and grabbed Henry's wrists and aggressively pinned him up against the back wall of the bed. William climbed onto the mattress and straddled Henry's lap.

Henry winced at William squeezing the life out of his wrists. Henry brought his knees up but William pushed them down. "What the fuck?" William spat. William harshly shook Henry for a second making him shrink under William. Henry knew exactly what he did. He found out about those murders William committed. As sick as it sounds he wanted William to feel the pain of losing a child. He wanted William to feel the grief that those parents went through when he killed their kid.

So? What did he do you ask? He rewired the spring locks in Fredbear so that they were really lose. William had been ranting days before about how shit Micheal's been treating Evan. William told him about how Micheal was gonna pull a prank on him. The plan was to put Evan in Fredbear's mouth to scare him.

Evan ended up going in a coma and dying from brain damage, blood loss, and his skull being punctuated and almost on the verge of crushing. Fredbear had bitten down onto his head due to the spring locks setting off because of Evan's tears. Moisture. Evan died after being in a coma for a couple weeks.

The reason Evan died was because of Henry. Evan didn't deserve it and Henry would never forgive himself, but William deserved it.

"Y'know at first I thought it was an accident. But then it hit me that no other person in that place knows how to wire spring locks and I made sure before the party they were tight. You fucking bitch!" Henry put on an act that he was oblivious to anything William was saying.

"What? I-I don't know what you're talking about." Henry stuttered. William's face grew serious. "Yes you do you fucking bastard." William seethed. "Don't play dumb. You know exactly what you did you little shit." Henry closed his eyes and prayed that William would let go of his wrists.

"You fucking rewired the spring locks, didn't you?" William said lowly getting close to Henry's face. Henry's breath hitched. "Well?" William whispered. "Why'd you do it? You must have some reason to put me through such pain. What did I ever do to you?" William's voice cracked at the end of his sentence. Henry kept to guard up.

William went silent. "You deserve it." Henry mumbled. "What... was that?" William spoke with pure venom dripping from his words. "You deserve it, for killing all of those innocent children. You cold blooded murderer." Henry spat back. William went silent and stared into Henry's eyes, their faces only inches apart.

William's left hand gripped around Henry's neck, cutting off his oxygen supply. Henry choked and clutched his right hand on William's wrist in a pathetic attempt to rip his arm away. "You.. fucking bitch, how did you find out about that!?" Henry couldn't speak back due to the loss of air. He choked out a whimper and shut his eyes. "You're gonna fucking regret that." William spoke while forming an insane grin. Henry cowered under him.

"Let's see.. why don't we discuss a punishment?" William cooed in a soft tone, though Henry knew his intentions were bad. "How about.. I fuck you senseless until 'I'm sorry' are the only words you can choke out of that pathetic little mouth." Henry's eyes widened at that. Without any warning William ripped down Henry's pants. He took his hands off of his neck and wrist. Henry gasped for air as he took air in and out at a rapid pace. Then Henry's shirt got pulled off.

Henry felt vulnerable in just he boxer briefs. His hands flew down to try and attack William off of him only to get them pinned back above his head. William held Henry's wrists down while his other hand unbuckled his own belt. He pulled his belt out of the loops and used it to tie Henry's hands together and to the head board. Henry struggled and squirmed until when William was done with Henry's hands he full on slapped Henry, right in the face.

"Stop fucking moving! If you wanna act like a brat I'll treat you like one." William spat. Henry quivered as he felt his cheek sting with pain. William moved down Henry's body and slowly inched down Henry's boxers. "Mmh!" Henry squirmed again, not making William any happier. William reached up and tugged on Henry's sandy coloured locks. Henry whimpered in pain and slightly pulled on his own hands in an attempt to free them.

William was not pleased to see Henry didn't stop moving. He ran his hands over his thighs and to his hips. Then William harshly dug his nails into Henry's hips causing him to cry out in pain as William drew blood. Henry went still, to scared to move. He made tiny scared noises as he closed his eyes, his act withering away.

William ripped down Henry's boxers, his embarrassing hard on popping out. Then William worked his own clothing off. Once they were both naked William decided Henry didn't deserve prep. He spread his legs open and positioned himself right at Henry's entrance. Henry's eyes shot open when his legs were forced open. He didn't move though, he didn't want to upset William. Not now.

With one big thrust William drove himself into Henry. Henry screamed so hard his throat burned and tears were forming. The burning pain in his lower area was unbearable, painful. Tears were already falling. "I only just started and you're already fucking crying?" William growled out of disappointment. Henry tried to blink the tears away but to no avail, they just kept falling. William rammed himself deeper causing Henry's frame to shake and for him to call out William's name.

Henry pathetically started crying. He wished his hands were free so he could grab onto William, or at least touch him. Instead Henry clutched onto the belt binding his wrists. William kept up a fast pace, the only thing Henry could do was bare out the pain and wait for the pleasure. The sound of skin clapping echoed in the room along with Henry's hisses and whimpers and William's groans and grunts.

Henry scrunched up his nose as he felt the build up happening. It started in the pit of his stomach and did flips and turns and spread to his crotch area. Henry was so close, to that wonderful moment of bliss. Then William weighed down and stopped moving. Henry whined out in desperation and thrusted his thighs up surprising William. William pushed Henry's hips down to stop him from moving.

"Close?" William laughed. Henry nodded with a "Mmhm!" William smirked. "Beg for it." Henry gave William desperate eyes. William gave Henry an expectant expression. Henry pouted and gave in. "Please..." Henry started. "Please... let me cum.. p-please.." William smirked.

"Not good enough.." William spoke with a playful tone while walking his fingers up Henry's chest. Henry frowned. "Please, I want it! I want you- I-I- please! Let me cum! I-I'll be a good boy. Anything! I'll do anything!" Henry stuttered. William smirked and started pounding into Henry again. Henry became more vocal and tears were forming again.

"You better be fucking- sorry." William seethed, out of breath from the fast pace. "I'm sorry!" Henry yelled. "For what?" William asked going a little bit faster. Henry unravelled right underneath him. "I'm sorry for causing your sons death! Please! I'm sorry!" Henry whimpered, desperation laced in his voice. "I will never forgive you. Bitch." William spoke with one last final hard thrust.

Henry practically screamed his heart out as he arched his back and screwed his eyes shut. William came at the same time as Henry, riding out their orgasms. Henry caught his breath after a few seconds and opened his eyes to see William's face scrunched up and his eyes shut tight, still going through that moment of bliss. Then William's eyes opened and they locked eyes for a minute.

William curled his fingers around Henry's sandy hair and pulled on it making Henry wince. "What are you?" William growled. "Sorry." Henry choked out. "How sorry?" William whispered. "Words can't describe." Henry stated looking William in his sad, broken eyes. William yanked his hand out of Henry's hair and started cleaning himself up.

After he was clothed he left Henry in his room, still tied to the head board and cloth-less. Henry sighed. "Sorry.." he whispered again.

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