Seven minutes in heaven 🌹

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{Hello. Okay so this one isn't that dirty. Making out, slight palming, and hot asf consent.}


Well to put it short, Henry was in a predicament. Currently he was standing outside a house he was invited to for a party. It was a high school meet up, and Henry didn't know why they invited him. He wasn't cool back then, he still isn't now. He's the same nerd from high school. The only thing that's changed is he has his university degree and he's building his life with his lovely wife.

Different coloured lights flooded from the windows of the booming house. Henry gulped, wanting to just drive home and curl up in a ball in his bed. But no, he was here. Sometimes you have to do things you don't want to do. He trudged up to the front door, hearing 80's rock music shaking the house and it's frame. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A man opened the door. He was holding a red plastic cup and looked wasted.

"Heyyyyy! Henry! Come on in!" The man said grabbing one of Henry's shoulders and shoving him into the house. The music was painfully loud, and Henry felt embarrassed. He also felt confused. The host explained this as a small get together. There was like fifty people at that party. Most of them looked wasted, some sat on lonely couches, some went solo. Henry stuck out, he knew that. These people haven't changed at all. They're still the reckless teenagers from high school.

He warily drifted his way over to a couch and sat down. At least he wasn't wearing anything weird. Just blue jeans, a T-shirt and a sweater. Still, he stuck out. Everyone knew him as the smart, nerdy kid and he's still that. He heard some yelling from across the house. The lights blinded his already needy-for-glasses eyes, and the music murdered his ears. Then a group ran into the room. Two people moved the coffee table out of the way and they all sat down in a circle.

Henry moved his legs away from the group and tried to not notice them. Then he felt his leg get grabbed. He jolted and looked down at another man. "Hey Henry, We're playing truth or dare. Wanna join?"

"Oh no thanks, I'm fine-" Henry reasoned. "Oh come on, don't be a pussy!" The man yelled over the loud music. The group snickered some reciting the word 'Pussy!' at Henry in an attempt to peer pressure him. And oh god did Henry feel it. "Um.. O-ok.." Henry said while sliding off the couch and onto the ground, fitting into the circle. "That a boy Henry!" The man yelled and patted his back, aggressively.

Henry chuckled nervously and scooted his legs up to his chest as people continued the game. He was minding his own business when he felt someone's eyes on him. He lifted his head and his eyes met William's. They stared at each other for moments and it seemed like the world disappeared and the only thing that mattered was William. Until Henry heard his name called.

"Henry! Truth or dare?" A lady asked. Henry snapped out of oblivion and broke eye contact to look at the lady who said his name. "Oh.. uh." Henry thought for a moment. If he said truth they would say he's weak but he really didn't want to do a random dare. He took a deep breath feeling all eyes on him.

"Dare.." Henry said, sounding wary. The lady giggled and she glanced around the circle. "I dare you to.." her eyes landed on William. She snickered. "I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with William." She giggled. There were chuckles and giggles around the circle as William and Henry's eyes met. Henry's face flushed red as he stared into William's eyes. Then a smirk played on William's face as he stared into Henry's beading eyes.

William slowly stood up and waltzed his way over to Henry. He stared down at him and held out a hand, his smirk in place. Henry hesitated but put his hand in William's and let him pull him up. William held his hand as he dragged him away from the group and down a hall. Henry heard "Ooo!"s and giggles from the circle as he was still pulled away.

William brought him to a closet and opened the door, shoving Henry inside and closing it after getting in himself. It was dark. Henry couldn't see anything at all. Then he felt hands on his waist which made him jolt. His hands flew to William's shoulders. His eyes finally adjusted and William's face was inches away from his.

"Seven whole minutes all to ourselves. What ever shall we do..?" William whispered while moving his hands down. Henry wiggled as he felt William's hands on his ass. "You don't know how long I've waited to do this.." William added, lowly. "Better keep quiet, Love.."

William's shadowed outline moved away from Henry's face and instead moved lower. Henry felt wet lips on his neck and immediately gasped. His grip tightened on William's shoulders. William sucked and nibbled at Henry's neck just to get him all worked up. Which was working. Henry's face was as red as a tomato, his eyes fuzzy and his mouth slightly ajar.

William licked Henry's neck in one big swipe which sent shivers down Henry's spine and pulled away. He immediately placed his lips on Henry's. He kissed him, passionately. Henry kissed back without hesitation. William moved his tongue in between Henry's lips and their tongues wrestled. William won and explored Henry's mouth throughly. Then William abruptly pulled away, a string of saliva keeping them connected.

"Is this okay..?" William whispered. Henry thought for a moment. His eyes widened. He was just about to cheat on his wife with his friend from high school, which happened to be a boy. Henry felt disgusted with himself. William felt the bad aura and his hands travelled back up to his hips. He waited for Henry's answer.

"It's just... William.. I- I love you, I've loved you ever since high school, but... I have a wife now.." Henry stuttered out. William was not expecting that. Well it's good to know that he's helping Henry cheat on his wife. "If you don't want to do this we don't have to." William spoke, smoothening his tone. Henry thought intently.

When he didn't say anything William backed away and took his hands off of Henry. Henry grabbed his arms. Now they could both see each other and William could see the desperation in Henry's eyes. "I want this." He confirmed. William moved back to Henry and immediately connected their lips again.

Henry kissed back and they resumed where they left off. William's hands travelled around Henry's body drawing muffled mewls from Henry and working him up even more. The bulge in his pants was only growing. William's hand met with Henry's crotch and he palmed him, gently. Henry whined into William's mouth and gripped onto his shirt.

A knock on the closet door made them jump back from each other and stare at the closet doors in fear. "Times up you two!" A man yelled from the other side. Henry pouted quietly. They were just getting to the good part. "We'll finish this later." William whispered. William opened the door and walked out first, Henry following close after him.

They walked back to the group and sat down. The lady who gave Henry the dare spoke up. "Soooo~ What happened in there?" Henry blushed lightly and answered quickly. "Nothing." The girl smirked. "Then what's that on your neck?" Henry's eyes widened and his hand flew up. His fingers grazed the purple bruise and he winced, eyes beading. He heard William chuckle and he looked over to him.

William broke out into a full on laugh. He wheezed, unable to stop. "Shut up!" Henry yelled at William. The whole group broke out into laughs as Henry crossed his arms and pouted.

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