Chained up (continuation) 🌺🌹

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{The continuation no one asked for. Warning: Manipulation, mad sex, sucking off, degrading. Enjoy you horny mf}


Henry awoke to the feeling of being shifted. He groaned in pain as he felt someone pick him up and place him in a different position on the cold floor. The person he assumed as William leaned him up against the wall. He felt shuffling and the noise of the chains jingling and felt cold air on his wrists. He looked down to see William had removed the chains. He had also noticed Henry was now wearing baggy shorts and a long sleeve over sized shirt. He recognized the clothing articles as William's. He whipped his head back up at William, his tired eyes trying to adjust to the light.

Henry really thought William might be taking him to a room with better places to lie down but of course his predictions were wrong as William chained the chains to the collar around his neck. "I'm not a fucking dog." Henry mumbled. "Hm? What was that dear?" William asked while smiling lightly. "I'm not a dog." Henry repeated. "Well of course you're not!" William exclaimed. "I just need to make sure you have no way to escape. But then again, you'd never escape me. Right darling?" William spoke switching to a babyish voice.

William lightly took hold of Henry's chin and tilted his head upwards to look him in the eyes. "Unless you'd like to be treated like a dog, I do love role play~" Henry's face lit up at the thought of him sitting on the floor beside William while William petted his head. Henry turned his face away from the raven-haired man in embarrassment. William giggled a bit.

William got up without another word and left the room which made Henry sad. He wanted William to stay by his side even if he's a psychopathic murderer. It's all he wants right now, William's praise. He hates himself for it. After boringly looking around the room for a few minutes he decided to try standing. He got up onto his fore knees and put one leg up. He shifted his weight and stood up right stumbling into the wall behind him.

The chain that attached to his neck had just enough length that he could stand. He steadied himself and stood up wobbling. He came tumbling down forward with nothing to catch him. He landed on his hands and knees with a scream of pain as the collar tugged on his neck choking him a bit. He crawled back to the wall and brought his knees to his chest confirming he was not going to try that again.

That's when William came back. He looked to be rushing, probably cause he heard Henry's scream. He rushed to Henry's side and placed a bowl with bread and butter in it and a cup of coffee next to Henry on the floor. "Baby.. What happened..?" William cooed placing his hand on Henry's arm. Henry lifted his head and caught glimpse of his bloody knees. "I tried standing." Henry said blankly. William frowned.

William rushed to leave the room again. He came back with a small medical kit and sat down on the floor next to Henry. He lightly took hold of Henry's legs and slid them down. He started tending to the scrapes on the sandy-haired man's knees. Henry winced at the cleaning alcohol being rubbed to the small open cuts. William put a few bandaids on his knees. After he was done he discarded the kit and opened his arms. As much as Henry's subconscious was telling him to crawl as far away as he could he slowly moved into the embrace.

William ran his fingers through the sandy-hair as Henry curled up on the taller man's lap. Henry wrapped his arms around William's mid section while his legs eventually made it to wrap around his waist. He nuzzled his head into the raven-haired man's chest and just breathed. They sat there in an uncomfortingly comfortable silence as Henry clinged onto him.

"It's ok..." William cooed while softly rubbing his back. "Aren't you so grateful for me? I love you unconditionally and I know the room isn't quite guest fitting but I need to make sure I can trust you before I let you roam my house with freedom." William paused. "I love you more than you're own family.. Henry you're my world. I love you more than your wife ever did." William stated with still an unsettling soft tone.

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