Blood shed naughtiness 🌹🥀

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{Heyyyyyyyy. So this chapter is hardcore so y'know, careful. Warning: mentions of suicide, dubious consent/non consensual sexual activity (it's consensual in the end), manipulation, physical hurting, teasing, sucking off, choking, punctual sex. This one's kinda angsty.}


Henry's back hit the cold stone wall. He coughed as sand flew through the air. He gasped and jumped when a knife cut through the wall beside him. He looked at the knife that had just missed his head by a few inches, then he turned to the darkness in front of him, but saw nobody. But Henry knew he was there lurking in the dark. He could feel the twisted man's presents.

All of a sudden the knife got yanked out of the wall and put to Henry's neck. Henry gasped and squirmed against the wall as the dark insane man came into the light. His pupils were dilated and bloodshot, scars on his face, eye bags, his shirt was half unbuttoned and his clothes were disorganized. He threateningly pushed the knife closer to Henry's neck as a sinister smirk formed on his lips.

Henry let out a tiny scared whimper as he latched onto William's boney hand holding the knife. William giggled quietly. "Henry... " William whispered. "I didn't think you'd come back." Henry couldn't find the guts to speak, he just stared into the cold eyes looking at him. "Cat got your tongue?" William mocked. With a swift move William swiped the knife up and nicked Henry's cheek. Henry flinched and quivered as blood ran down his cheek and chin.

William grabbed Henry's chin and made him look at William. "You know how much pain you put me through when you supposedly killed yourself?" William spoke calmly. Henry must have been hallucinating, there was no way William was in front of him. But yet again he could feel the pain of his open cut on his cheek. Henry shut his eyes.

He reopened his eyes in a shock when he felt hands on his waist. The knife made a clanging noise when it hit the ground as William crashed his lips into Henry's. Henry whimpered and pushed him away. "Get off of me!" Henry screamed. William giggled. "So now we're talking?" William remarked, cheekily. William forcefully pushed Henry up against the wall and kissed him harshly while gently massaging his hip. Henry squirmed and kicked against William's force.

William dug his finger nails into Henry's hip causing Henry to yelp in pain while still kissing William. He stopped squirming and resorted to trying to back away from William. Henry pushed himself into the wall behind him and tried to pull away. William tugged on Henry's shirt making Henry muffle a yell. Henry yanked himself away. "Stop!" William frowned. "This is assault!" Henry exclaimed.

William moved towards Henry again but Henry stumbled right to get further away from the insane man. "Stay back." Henry ordered. William dropped the frown and put on a smile. He bent down and picked up the knife with a bit of Henry's blood on it. He held it tight in his grip as Henry felt like he was going to pass out. "But- I love you." William spoke softly. Henry stuttered. "You-you-" "Henry!" William yelled making Henry jump.

"I love you with all my heart, I always have. You know that! Now stop being a fucking brat and get over here. I know you love me too." William spoke with a shaky voice. Henry frowned. He knew he still loved William, he hated himself for it. All those times he wished William was there to hold him, kiss him, protect him, scold him, yell at him, fuck him. All those fantasies he thought of.

Henry stopped in his tracks unsure what to do. Henry thought back to William's words a few minutes ago. Stop being a fucking brat and get over here. Henry took a deep breath and stood still. William noted his relaxation and took a step forward. When Henry didn't move he walked up to him him and took hold of his wrists. He kept walking making Henry stumble into the wall. William pinned Henry's arms on each side of his head and kissed him, roughly.

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