Chained up 🌹

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{Hi again.. hehe. Warning, chains, overstimulation, unsure consent, Yandere vibes. 👍}


Fuck! Henry opened his eyes but could only see darkness. He realized he was blind folded. He tried lifting up his hands but they were pulled back by what sounded like chains. Henry struggled against the chains eventually giving him and trying to listen to his surroundings. It was annoyingly quiet. So quiet that when the door swung open Henry jumped. He heard footsteps getting closer after the door shut. Then they stopped. Suddenly he was yanked forward by something around his neck.

Henry fell to the floor on his knees in front of the unknown persons shoes. "Who the fuck are you!?" Henry yelled trying to get up. His chains contained him in his place on the cold concrete floor. He felt something push him down onto his stomach. He grunted as he fell to the floor. "I thought it was obvious, darling~" a voice sounded.

Henry's breath caught in his throat. William!? "What!? Will?" Henry moved his head around trying to listen. "I feel touched you remember my voice." William's voice seemed to come from everywhere, but Henry knew he was in front of him. Before Henry knew what was happening he was getting yank up by his neck. Something was around his neck, like a leash. "Now that I've got everyone else out of the way, it's just you and me." William softly spoke into Henry's ear. Then he dropped Henry to the floor.

What the fuck does he mean by that? Everyone out of the way- "You killed my daughter!?" Henry screamed. His heart shattered. He heard William giggle from above him. "Maybe~" Henry couldn't believe his ears right now. "Is this a game to you!? She was my life!" Henry cried out which only made William burst into hysterical laughter. Henry shivered as what used to be his best friend pulled him up to sit up right. Henry leaned against the wall behind him trying to concentrate on where William was.

Henry gasped as he felt William crawl on top of him. He felt the raven-haired man's hot breath on his neck and tried to pull away. William sat on Henry's thighs stopping him from moving. William started attacking Henry's neck. As much as Henry hated this he moaned out as he felt William nibbled and bite at his sensitive bits. "William! Stop!" Henry snapped. William slowly pulled away. There was silence and no movement for a moment leaving Henry to think he seriously upset William.

Then he felt William slowly feel up his stomach to his chest. "Oh come on Henry.. I know you want to.." William cooed getting too close to Henry for comfort. "No I don-MmH!" William started sucking and biting on Henry's neck again. Henry bit his lip in a failed attempt to quiet down which only made William go rougher. "Darling.. It's just you, and me~ why don't we make another memory? Just for old time sake~" William spoke lowly. Henry thought long and hard for a moment.

He was already mad at himself for the hard on in his pants due to William's touch. Last time William touched him so sensually was a while back, when things weren't so messed up. If he were to be completely honest he wanted William's touch, he craves it. But he would never admit that to anybody especially William himself. "Take off the blind fold." Henry stated. "Anything for you, darling." Henry needed a few seconds to adjust to the sudden light. Once he was ready he fluttered his eyes open and looked at the man on his lap.

That wasn't William anymore. He looked twisted and dark, like he had gone insane years ago. Henry cowered underneath what's left of his best friend. William wore an insanely creepy smile. His clothes were also disoriented. William waited for an answer or a sign that he could keep going, playing with the collar of Henry's shirt. "Come on please~" William pleaded. Henry couldn't turn him down with that fucking tone. "F- ... Fine." Henry answered turning his head away from eye contact. He took this moment to look at his surroundings. Dark room, cold floor, he was right about the chains.

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