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William sat on his couch, reading the newspaper. His family was long asleep and he should be too. But he couldn't sleep. So here we are.

William was just about to join his wife in bed when the family phone rung. It scared him slightly, his eyes shooting towards the phone. He shuffled over to it and and picked it up to stop the loud ringing noise. He put the phone to his ear and greeted the person on the line.

"William! Please come pick me up." Henry spoke into the phone. "Right now? Henry it's really late." William reasoned. "Where are you?" William questioned. "My house, duh. I want to go somewhere with you." Henry spoke sweetly. William smiled to himself and then remembered it was midnight. "You can't wait for the morning?" William asked, rubbing his face to make himself believe he's tired. "Please, come pick me up." Henry spoke, lowly. William sighed.

"I'll be there in a few." William spoke. "Yay! Thanks!" Henry chirped and hung up. William put the phone back down and sighed. He never changed so he would just leave the house in his jeans and long sleeved shirt. So he threw on his shoes and a sweater and grabbed his wallet and keys. He walked out the front door, making sure to be quiet and lock it. H he scurried to his car and opened the drivers seat, climbing in and starting up the engine.

He slowly pulled out of the drive way and started on his way to Henry's house. The drive wasn't that long and he was there in no time. He wasn't sure whether to knock or wait. He got out of the car and awkwardly walked up to the front porch, staring into the window beside the front door. He was met with another pair of eyes which made him jump. He put a hand on his heart as Henry opened the door. He slipped out and closed the door quietly behind him.

"Hi William." He spoke quietly. "Hello Henry." William spoke back, matching the volume. Henry peaked at William's car and smiled. Henry was wearing plaid pajama pants and from what William could see a grey sweater, his hair messy and his shoes and socks thrown on haphazardly. Henry grasped William's wrist and dragged him to the car.

He opened the passenger seat and got in. William sighed and sat in the drivers seat. "So are you gonna tell me what this is about?" William asked, resting his hands on the steering wheel. He didn't start the car until Henry spoke up. "Can you drive us to the park, a couple blocks down." Henry said, pointing anonymously. William ignited the engine. "And why do you so desire to be brought to that place?"

"To spend time with you, dummy." Henry said, his smile playful and friendly. William's heart beat faster as he pulled out of Henry's driveway. He drove to Henry's demanded place and parked on the side of the road, behind the park. He turned to Henry and waited to words. Henry unbuckled his seat belt and opened the car door. He got out, closed the door and scurried over to William's side to open his door.

He took hold of William's hand and dragged him out of the seat. William groaned but joined Henry on the sidewalk. Henry closed the door and William locked the car, starting to walk. They walked in the moonlight, hand in hand just admiring the empty eery street. They got to the park and Henry sped ahead of William, running to the grass. The park stretched into a big field full of grass and flowers.

William chuckled lightly as he watched Henry bend down and pick a flower. Henry walked over to William and handed him the flower. "For you." He said. William smiled. "Thank you."

Then he dragged William down into the field and they fell into the grass together. They both giggled and eventually calmed down, staring into each others eyes. William brushed some hair out of Henry's face to see his flustered smile. Henry sat up and dragged William up with him. They walked hand in hand through the valley, giggling and bonding even more.

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