Casey looks around the house to see stuff that interests her. then began to look at bunch of pictures of Egon what surprised to see one specific picture it was him and his three friends ray, Peter and Winston.

Casey looked at the picture closely like she recognized the group before.

"Casey, your lunch is ready" Janine shouts from a distance.

Janine's voice made Casey jump almost dropping the picture but caught it quickly. And put it back where she found it before heading to the dining room where Egon and Janine we're sitting.

Janine put grilled cheese on the table for them to eat. She looked at Casey and smiles

Casey sat across from Egon who was eating and working on his trap at the same time. She was really intrigued on what Egon was working on. But, she doesn't know what to ask.

"Is something wrong?" Janine asked making Casey get out of her thoughts.

"Uh... no, nothing is wrong" she assured.

Janine nods "all right I'm going to the store later to get some groceries after lunch" she looks at Casey "would you like to come?"

"Sure, if it's okay with mr spengler" Casey looks at egon to see if he approves.

Egon nods "I'm okay"

After they were done their lunch Janine and Casey head their way to town to get some things they need.

Casey gotten curious about Egon she she had so many questions about him.

"So, how long have you known mr.Spengler?" Casey asked.

Janine chuckled "honey, you're allowed to call him Egon."

Casey nods "how long have you known...Egon?"

"Well we have been.. friends for a long time since the 80s he used to be a scientist and did business with his friends which went well for years." She explained.

"What happened?"

Janine wasn't sure to answer that, she had to find a way to keep it short in detail "let's just say after years things didn't go well"

"Oh" she said.

Then out of nowhere a person was skateboarding and hit the wall making them fall.

Janine and Casey ran to the person to make sure their okay.

"Are you all right?" Janine asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" they said

The person got up and took off their helmet to reveal a Girl  around  Casey's age with her hair dyed in a dark purple colour her hair was long on one side and short on the other. She help her leg like she was in pain.

"Oh jesse its you!" Janine said dusting Jesse off . "You're Lucky you wore a helmet or you would have crakes your skull."

"JESSE!" A voice shouts running to jesse "I got it" he stoped holding camera. He was also around Casey's age and his hair was curly and mixed of blond and burnet. He turns to see Janine "oh sorry miss Melnitz"

Janine chuckled "axel i told you to call me by my first name calling me miss makes me feel old." She said sarcastically.

Jesse laughs before looking at Casey "who's this?" She asked.

"This is Casey she's staying with Egon so she's new in town" Janine Introduced them "Casey this is Jesse and axel these two help out around the house. But outside that jesse is a mechanic and axel does history stuff"

They both shook Casey's hand greeting her.

"How's boss?" Asked Axel putting his camera in his bag.

"Egon is doing fine at the moment. Oh, could you two by chance come over this weekend?"

Jesse and axel looked at each other then back at Janine "we have no planned schedule so yeah" Jesse said.

"Whatever the boss needs we'll do it" axel add.

Jesse nods in agreement "we should go we got more stunt to do and Casey" she looks at Casey "welcome to Summerville."

"Thank you" Casey said.

Jesse leaves as axed waved goodbye before following his friend.

Casey looked at Janine. Janine chuckled "those two, they are the nicest kids I know in this town. And the mayors great too." She said "oh look there he is.

She points at the man wearing a suit his hair was brunette turning to a grey colour.

They walk up to the mayor "oh Janine hello" he greets. "You're looking radiant as always."

"Good morning mayor I'd like you to meet Casey" she introduced her.

"Hello I'm mayor green" the mayor said.

"Pleased to meet you sir" said Casey.

"You too" he smiles "I'd love to chat more but I must be elsewhere something is going on in this town"

"What do you mean?" Casey asked.

"Last night there was a Strange storm keeps happening. It's been going on since 2001 and now people are seeing ghosts" the mayor explains. "Overall i suggests you be careful" he said before walking away from them.

Casey still wasn't sure what to expect was was happening. And what does ghost have to do with it?

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