Just as they left the mountain to get back to the truck.

As they were at the truck. A siren came off and blue and red lights were lighting up they turned to see a police car.

The cop got out of his car "do you know what time it is"

"Shit" EGON cursed.

Next thing they know they're all in jail.

"This is the first time I've been to jail" casey spoke.

"Not for me" egon said It make the trio look at him in shock knowing he's been to jail before. "It was when I was a ghostbuster with three of mu other friends and a mental asylum."

"Boss you must have done crazy shit" Axel said.

"Pretty much"

"You four are bailed" a cop said bailing us out.

Egon and the trio got out "who bailed us?" Casey asked.

"I did" Janine said crossing her arms looking pissed off. "The mayor called me to get them out he and axels father will be gone for a couple of days."

They all head to Egons house as they all go on. The trio head inside as EGON and Janine stayed outside in the front porch to talk.

"I know what you're thinking" he said.

"And you know what I have to say" Janine raised her voice. "What we're you thinking going in that mountain? It's dangerous."

"You don't understand, that mountain had to do with shandor and it's a portal for gozer to come back-"

"Gozer is gone Egon why don't you accept that?"

"They'll come back in this world unless we stop them"

"EGON i understand but you're getting the three involved" Janine said putting her head on his shoulder "I hate being worried."

Egon understand how she was feeling he grabs her shoulders to make her look at him "you don't have to worry, once I finish the traps I'll lower gozer here along with other ghost from the ghost world and stop this for good. Believe in me"

Janine knew it's best not to argue with him but nods in agreement before going inside and noticed the trio heard the hole thing.

"Janine, we know you're scared but we agreed to help EGON stop gozer before they take over the world" Casey said.

"I know" she said walking up to them and giving them a hug.

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