Egon drove the trio and himself to the mountains During the evening. They all got out of truck and started walking.

Casey and Axel walked ahead as EGON looks at Jesse who looked sad. He walks up to her "you okay?" He asked.

Jesse shrugs "I'm just thinking about how my dad was part of the cult. He's a good man took care of my mom and I. One day the mayor arrested him for crimes he didn't commit and next he was murdered." He looks at Egon "I don't understand why is life hard for me to cope with?"

EGON puts his hand on jesses shoulder while they walked "life can be unfair to the best of us. They go in ways we don't want them to go but you really need to understand what you have to do to solve it? I know you love your father. I think he wanted the best for your future."

Jesse nods "I still feel like I'be been betrayed Axel feel the same way with his father."

"I know" he said he understands how upset Jesse is knowing that her father was part of the gozer cult but that real question is what happened before his death.. "I don't want you to blame your father for worshiping Gozer. Maybe the mines will show us the truth behind it"

Without hesitation Jesse wraps her arm around EGON as he was hesitant for a sec then hugs Jesse back.

Jesse let's EGON go "sorry I needed it"

"It fine" he said before walking again.

"By the way" Jesse sayid looking at egon "I think you would make a great dad"

Egon smiles "thanks Jesse"

The four wen in the mines to see strange things in here they looked at a hole and status.

"That's her? Is that gozer?" Casey asked  EGON.

"Gozer isn't he or she" EGON said.

"A genderless antagonist" jesse said amazed "I respect that"

"Watch your step" Axel said pointing at the hole "this is the the pit where miners jumped. And...." He tried not to cry "that's when my brother was possessed and died" jesse rubs his shoulder.

Casey Looks around to see vacancies "this is not just a mine it's a tomb"

"For what we know there's no bodies in here except that one" Axel points at the glass coffin with a person in it. The trio take a closer look.

"Ivo shandor" Casey read from the coffin.

Egon on the other hand looks at the numbers on the wall. "Are These the numbers you talked about Axel?"

The trio stoped looking at the coffin and looked at the wall.

"Yes" Axel answered

"1883" Egon shouted the number.

"The Krakatoa eruption" Axel said "it's the most violent activity in human history." He looks at the numbers again "I think the Tunguska blast over Siberia happened in 1907"

"What didn't happen in 1945?" Jesse asked sarcastically"

"1984 ghost attack New York city. Most call it the manhattan crossrip" Casey said

"2021" Axel said the something pops up "the earthquakes"

Casey Looks down at the hole as she hears moaning he sees a bright light she couldn't move she leans forward more as she hears her name being called from a distance.


"Casey" EGON shouts grabbing her and putting his hands on her face making her look at him in confusion on what happened. Then EGON sighed in relief and hugs her. "Don't do that again"

"What happened?" Casey asked.

"What happened to teddy almost happened to you" Axel said.

"We should get out of her before something else happens" EGON suggests as he helps Casey up and getting out of the mine.

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