The gang was having a fire later in the night. Egon Handed everyone each a stick and marshmallows before sitting between Casey Janine.Casey looked at the marshmallow on the stick.

"First campfire?" Axel asked Casey.

"My first any fire I never even been camping? I never roasted a marshmallow before" Casey admits.

"Here,let me help you" EGON said putting his hands on Casey's shoulders guiding Casey to the fire. "Stick your arms out" he tells her as she did. "Now turn the stick slowly"

Casey slowly turns the stick "now what?"

"Keep going until it's a golden brown colour" he said.

Casey kept on going until her marshmallow was a golden brown colour. She smiled "I did it"

"Whoa your first time and you nailed it" jesse cheers.

"I'm surprised you don't have kids boss" Axel laughs.

Egon wasn't showing it but he felt a little hurt by that. They don't know about his personal life but. He know he fathered one and still feels regret leaving a child who doesn't know who he is.

"Egon" Janine spoke makes EGON shake off those thoughts. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine" he lies.

Later on the trio bult tents outside to sleep in as egon and Janine help clean in the house.

Janine was doing dishes when she noticed EGON wasn't Himself again. She walks up to him and put her hand on his shoulder "are you sure you're okay you're a bit off today."

Egon sighed "I just can't stop thinking about my past. I just wish times were easier, I just wish people could understand me. They probably hate me after all I've done. My family, my friends, even my daughter who probably hates me the most"

"Not everyone hates you" Janine spoke "sure you don't talk to anyone in town but at least you still have others who care about you. Me,Axel, jesse, even Casey" EGON smiles when she mentioned Casey "you're like a father to her"

"I know, but can't father anotherchild after abandoning your first" he said.

"One day you're daughter will understand especially the guys"

Egon and Janine looked at each other they eyes were linked like never before. Their hands started to intertwine. Egon leaned down as his lips touched Janine's kissing her has she kissed back.

They broke apart for air as they looked at each other again before kissing again. He picked her up and carried her all the way to the bedroom.

Later EGON layed on his back and Janine was on top of him. Breathing heavily.

"I knew all this time there was something going between us" he said caressing Janine's cheek.

Janine stares at him "i love you EGON" was all she said before kissing him again.

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