3. Inheritance

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The sound of someone honking at him startled Clay from his daydreaming.

He saw the stoplight had just turned from red to green, he sped up and continued to drive to the city.

The city looked so alive at this time of the hour. People walking around, cars everywhere driving to work, properly. The streets were full of life.

Clay had missed this.

Everything looked still the same. There were some new buildings here and there, but it still looked like home.

No. Not home. This place hasn't been his home for eight years.

The GPS reminded Clay why he was back in the city in the first place. He parked his car in front of a tall glass building and sighed.

Everything he had done up until this point has now paid off. This is what he had been aiming for from the beginning. It felt so unreal.

Clay hot out of the car, grabbed his briefcase, and locked the car. He walked towards the entrance of the building.

The main floor was beautiful. It had white marble walls, black marble pillars, and white walls, with gold accents. Clay looked to the receptionist's table and saw a small woman with brown hair and a white dress. By the scent, Clay knew she was a beta. The receptionist waved at Clay.

"Hello there! My name is Lisa. What can I do for you today?" Lisa looked at Clay.

"Hey, I have a meeting at-" Clay looked at his watch "at 2 pm, with the CEO. Name's Dream"

"Oh! Mr.Dream! Excuse me for my manners, the CEO is expecting you. Please, follow me." Lisa bowed her head and started to walk towards the elevator, Clay following her behind.

The elevator dinged and the doors opened up to an office space. Clay's nose scrunched up from all the different scenes he smelled. The office had a scent blocker policy to prevent headaches and other symptoms because Alphas had a better sense of smell than betas.

Not that it mattered. Clay's sense of smell was better than normal Alphas so he could

"Mr.Dream? Are you alright?" Lisa spoke and tilted his head to the side.

"Oh-um...Yes. Yes, I'm fine" Clay shook his head and continued to follow Lisa through the office space.

The office looked very modern. The office cubicles were divided by soundproof cardboard and glass. The office tables were electronic and could be lifted so you could work standing.

Lisa lead clay towards the end of the office. There was a big wooden door and a plague which read ' Adam Greywill, CEO'. Lisa walked towards the dark door and knocked. A faint question of 'Who is it?' was heard from the other side of the door.

"It's Lisa, sir. Mr.Dream has arrived like you asked." Lisa said. A faint 'Come in' heard and Lisa opened the door and stepped aside to let Clay walk in first and closed the door behind him.

The office looked very high quality. A dark wood table was right opposite the door and behind it was a beautiful view of the city. Sitting in front of the desk was Adam, dressed in a black suit and a red tie. He was bald and had a scar going from his right cheekbone to his lips. He was bulky and looked at least over 50 years old. The man stood up after seeing Clay and walked in front of him.

"It's finally nice to meet you, Clay." Adam said and lifted his hand for a handshake.

Clay lifted his hand as well and shook Adams's hand in return. "Thank you, It's a pleasure to meet you as well, Mr. Greywill."

"Oh, nonsense Clay! It should be me who should be thanking you! It's an honor to meet one of the high Alphas! Not to mention the top of the ASU Unit! And please, call me Adam." Adam smiled and sat down again in front of his chair, Clay sitting to the other side. He motioned Lisa to leave them alone and she smiled, bowed, and left quickly.

"So, Clay. You're probably wondering why I called you here, right?" Adam said and started to dig through his desk drawer.

"Yes, I am quite interested in what the CEO want's from me. Am I in trouble?" Clay smirked.

Adam chuckled and shook his head "No worries Clay, You're not here to have detention." Adam turned to him and spoke in a serious tone. "Tell me, Clay, You've studied history, right? Well, tell me how long have I been a CEO of ASU?" Adam spoke.

"It's been almost 30 years...Right?" Clay wondered.

Adam nodded. "Close, it's been 34 years, I made this company when I was 28. Now the reason I called you here is very important. I've seen your education files Clay and I'm being honest when I say this..." Adam said and tossed Clay a thick file stack whit full of red markings. "I've never seen a more perfect file like this. You have been the number one on every subject, every training, and came one of the best on the ADT program! Those are some very difficult things to achieve Clay." Adam said and stood up and walked towards a bookshelf on the right and picked up a photo.

"You see Clay. I'm getting old, whether I like it or not. I've lived a good life, wife, kids, and a good career. Unfortunately-" Adam handed Clay the photo.

In the photo was a family of 6. A man, a woman, and four kids. One of the kids was a baby in the woman's arms and the other three were standing in front of the parents. They all looked-.....miserable. Clay's face fell a little. The family looked good, but it looked miserable. No one in the photo was smiling.

Adam then pointed to the tallest of the children. "His name has Ryan, he presented as an Alpha when he was nine." Adam said proudly,

"I wanted him to take this company after me....but...he died....while trying to save a mere omega from getting run over." Adam gritted his teeth and walked towards the window, standing in front of it.

Clay placed the photo on Adam's desk.

Poor mother...I'm sorry for your loss. Clay thought.

"My other kids presented as omegas or batas. And my wife became infertile after....after an accident." Adam said although his words seemed off to Clay.

" The problem is, I need a strong Alpha to take care of the company when I retire, and Since I have no kids to take that position-"

Adam turned and looked Clay dead in the eyes and said something that would be a blessing in disguise.

"Clay, I want you to inherit this company."

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