9. I Still Want You

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George's voice was barely louder than a whisper. His voice sounded so small, so fragile like he had never spoken words before. Clay stood there stunned.

George was here. Right in front of him.

After 8 years of not seeing or hearing from the male, he was standing right before Clay.

The more Clay stared, the more he noticed how George looked, and god! He looked amazing! George had always looked pretty in Clay's opinion, but now?! This was a whole new level of beauty!

His hips and thigh had rounded and his waist had thinned. His body taking more of a pear shape. His face was softer, his forearms and chest looked stronger and more male-like. His hair had grown a few inches and gotten curlier. He looked like he was glowing!

George's scent had gotten more sweeter and softer than before, now it was a nice mixture of Lavender and Vanilla, with a sweet undertone of milk.

George's scent was confusing him. There were so many emotions going through the man so he couldn't decipher what the omega was feeling.

Another thing Clay noticed however was the new mass covering George's pecs.

Were-...were those...breasts?

What on earth had happened in the past 8 years?!

Finally, after what felt like hours Clay was finally done ogling the other's appearance and realized that he was still in a conversation with the other.

"Y-yeah...It-It's me" Clay said while rubbing the back of his neck. "How...um...It's...It's been a while...huh?"

Good job Clay! 28 years of socializing and this is what you got?! Really!?

"Y-yeah...umm...it has been a while...a-almost 8 years...I think" George answered while looking at the floor like it was the best thing in the world.

"W-what are...ahem...What are you...doing here?" He asked timidly

"Oh...umm, oh, shit...it's been that long, huh? W-well I...um...I-uhh- I kind of...live here...now, so, um...yeah"

This is getting better and better by the second! What the actual fuck are you doing Clay!?

"Oh..Um..uh...Great! That's- That's great! Uh...I..um..." George was trying to look anywhere but Clay and honestly, Clay couldn't blame him.

What are you supposed to do when you meet up with your ex, at a store, and you left on a bad note?!

"Hey...Um...George?" Clay asked carefully. He did notice how the male flinched a little at the name but tried to not be bothered or hurt by it.

"Y-yeah?" The brunet asked back.

"I-um..." Clay signed and took a deep breath in.

"Look..I-uh...I...um...I-I know we didn't part ways...the best way possible, and I- I said and did some things that I didn't mean...I-I would take it all back if I could...but I-...I...can't. I-I know I can't say sorry enough, but I just-... I am so sorry, George."

Clay looked up from his finger where he had been fiddling with and saw the brunet staring at him, with emotion Clay didn't recognize.

The silence was loud.

And then...

George took a deep breath as well.

"I-I can't...No, Clay...I just-...I-I can't f-forgive you just like that...It isn't-... It wasn't-..."George looked at the ground and said something Clay was barely able to hear.

"It wasn't fair...You weren't fair..."

George then turned around hurriedly.

"I...I don't forgive you...and probably never will...I...hope you find what you're looking for...Goodbye...Clay" And he walked off.

Clay was left standing in the middle of the aisle, stunned.

What the actual fuck just happened!?

Clay walked slowly to the cash register, paid for his stuff, and left. On the walkway home, his head was silent. Usually, it would be screaming at him, but now?

It was silent.

Before Clay could comprehend he had arrived back in his house. He opened the door, walked in, and closed it behind him. He walked to the kitchen and placed his bag on the counter. He walked to his couch and sat down, leaning his head against the backrest.

After staring at the ceiling for a while, his mind finally caught up.


He saw George...
He spoke to George...
He smelled George's scent...


Clay went through everything in his mind. His first meeting with George, their presentation, their first kiss, first, first, first.

George had always been his first.

God, he said he loved George first and he was even the first one to admit it out loud! George was different. He was able to bring out a side from him that made him want to be better for George. George was able to bring Clay to his limits and he enjoyed that.

Everything they were before was everything Clay had ever wanted...

Clay groaned and put his head in his hands...

He...still wanted George

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now