21. Good Enough For You!

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The steady sound of beeping was the thing that woke Clay up from his sleep.

beeb, beeb, beeb.

Clay tried to open his eyes but shut them tight quickly from the bright light that Clay would later describe as 'Jesus's second coming!' (A/N: GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER YOU SINNER!🤺 )

Then the pain struck in. A steady beating inside his head and ribs made Clay groan out loud.

"Good morning...sleepyhead." Someone said next to him.

Clay tilted his head to the right and opened his eyes slowly, he blinked the blurriness away.

On the chair next to him sat George.

Clay lifted his bandaged hand and rubbed his eyes to get a clearer look at the brunette.

George looked like a mess.

His hair was tousled in different directions, stands going left, right, and center. His clothes were dirty and wrinkly. His eyes were red and puffy, fresh tears rolling down them.

Yet...He still smiled.

"How are you feeling?" George asked gently, his hand rubbing soothing circles into Clay's own hand.

"I-I'm-" Clay coughed out.

George grabbed a glass of water from the nightstand next to the bed and helped Clay up, offering the glass of water to him.

"Thanks..." Clay whispered and downed the glass.

"You're welcome" George said and leaned over and pressed the 'call nurse' button beside the bed.

"w-what? Where am I?" Clay asked, confused, and rubbed his forehead where he felt bandages.

George gently took Clay's hand in his "You're at the hospital. You...You got hurt."

Images of the nasty-smelling Alpha played in Clay's mind, George looking scared and him passing out.

Wait! George!

Clay grabbed George's hand quickly "A-are you okay? You didn't get hurt, right?" Clay asked while looking at George up and down.

"Clay-what? I'm fine! What do you mean 'are you okay?'! You got your head bashed open and you're asking if I'm okay?!" George spoke harshly.

Clay chuckled and rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Sorry, sorry! Old habit..."

Just then the nurse came in. They checked Clay's vitals and asked a few questions about his memory and health. In the end, Clay had broken a rib and gotten a small concussion on his head.

When the nurse left, the room became silent. Awkwardly so. George just sat in the chair next to the hospital bed fidgeting with the bottom of his hoodie.

The silence reminded Clay of the time after he left George. Everything had been so quiet. Even though Clay had been surrounded by people-that Clay would describe as disgusting from their views on the society-he still thought it was too quiet.

Then he looked at George more. He looked skinny, he had dark eye bags under his eyes, his hands were shaking and he looked, overall, exhausted.

Clay felt guilty.

Every time Clay had spoken to George he would always say he was tired or exhausted. He would complain about how bad his workday was or how he felt like his life was 'not there'

He would be better if you'd stayed.

He would be happy if you had stayed

He wouldn't have to worry if you had just stayed

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now