2. Forehead Kisses

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The sound of an alarm clock was what woke up George from his slumber. George groaned and turned to his side. Slamming his hand to stop the wrecked machine. 5 am

He sat up and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. He yawned and threw the blankets off of him and stood up.

George walked downstairs to the kitchen and started to fire up the coffee machine. After pressing it on, he left back upstairs to have a shower.

George took off his clothes and stepped into the shower. Letting his muscles relax and the water pour down his body. He washed his hair and body and stepped out, wrapping a towel around his waist.

He walked back to his bedroom and put on a pair of boxers, blue jeans, and a white dress shirt under a blue sweater. Happy with how he looked he grabbed his phone and glasses off his side table and went downstairs to have his morning coffee.

After a peaceful couple of minutes, George put his now empty mug to the sink and wandered back upstairs. He opened the door opposite of his and turned on the light.

"Good Morning, Alina and Aiden! It's time to get up!" George said and walked over to Aiden's bed on the left side.

"G'morning" Alina mumbled from her bed on the right side of the room.

Alina had George's brown hair. Although her hair was not as curly as his was, it was almost the exact same color as Georges. Alina had his brown eyes and the same button nose as George. George loved giving her kisses there.

George sat next to the sleeping boy and shook him a little cooing at the sleepy boy.

"Aideen~You have to get up sweetie, We have to go to school soon."

Aiden grumbled and sat up rubbing his eyes tiredly. "Morning..." He whispered.

Aiden also had George's brown hair, but it had a blonde undertone in it. His hair was more curly than George's and it was always a hassle to comb it. He had green eyes and a curvy nose.

George smiled and gave him a kiss on the forehead, Aiden giggling. He stood up and went towards Alina, and kissed her forehead as well. "Alright kiddos, I want Both of you guys to dress and come downstairs when you're done, okay?" George asked and the kids nodded their heads.

"Okay, good." He said and walked out of the room to the kitchen. He started to make a simple breakfast. Eggs, bacon, and some cut-up fruits. After he was done he placed two plates for his kids and one for himself.

Even though George was always busy with work and bills he tried to make as much time as he could to spend with his kids.

Two pairs of small feet could be heard going down the stairs and George turned to see the two children standing at the bottom of the stairs.

Alina had white socks, and a pair of jeans. She was wearing a pink t-shirt and a paige sweater jacket.

Aiden was wearing black socks, a pair of cyan shorts that went just below his knees, and a white t-shirt. That isn't going to be white at the end of the day. George smiled

"Alright kids, upstairs so we can brush our teeth, and then we eat, okay?"

"But Mooom!" Aiden said

"Do we have to mom?" Alina commented

George chuckled at their banter and took both of the kid's hands. "Yes, we do have to. We don't want to go to the dentist, do we?" He received furious head shakes. George laughed.

George helped the kids brush their teeth and tried to teach them to do it themselves. Aiden was a little whiny about the process but George knew how to be patient. Alina had no trouble doing it herself.

Alina was really smart for her age. She already knew how to brush her teeth and how to dress herself. Her teacher asked George if she could teach Alina more difficult math problems for her grade and George agreed. She was definitely the one who got the brains. She was always the one teaching Aiden new things and helping him understand the hard things.

Aiden on the other hand was a very creative and emotional boy. He would come up with stories and arts & crafts projects and many other creative things like nothing! The fridge was full of Aiden's drawings and pictures of their family. He loved how Aiden was so creative.

They were both his. And he loved them as such.

The trio was finally done with their teeth, they went downstairs and ate their breakfast, laughing and talking about nothing and anything at the same time. George looked at the clock and saw it was almost 7 am.

"Alright kids, go get your school bags! It's time to leave!" The two kids raced up to their room, as George yelled at them to not run up the stairs. His cries were ignored.

George grabbed their plates and put them in the sink. He then went to the fridge and grabbed the lunch boxes for the two little rascals, just in time for them to walk to the kitchen.

George put the lunch boxes in their backpacks and told them to go put their shoes on, while he would go grab his bags.

George went up to his bedroom and grabbed his backpack and his keys, wallet, chargers, and some files he needed.

He walked downstairs and saw Alina, with her shoes on and laces tied nicely, and Aiden sulking looking down at his feet, no shoelaces tied.

"Hey, Aiden. It's okay. Not everyone gets it as fast as Alina does-" He kneeled to help Aiden tie his shoe leaves. "And it took me until I was 11 to actually learn how to do them, so you still have time!" George exclaimed and ruffled Aiden's hair, receiving giggles from the boy. George loved his giggles.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeeees! Let's gooo!" Aiden yelled excitedly.

"Ready, mommy!" Alina yelled after Aiden.

"Alright! Let's go to school, yea?" George opened the door and the kids ran towards their walk to wait for their father. George turned around and locked the door. He walked towards the kids and offered his hands to the two, and to which, they both latched on. Together they started to walk towards the bus stop.

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