8. Clay?

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"Shhh! You're gonna wake him up!"

"But, I'm hungry and Mommy said that-"

"Yeah, Yeah, I know! But Mommy needs to sleep! Aunt Iida said so!"

"Shh! Don't yell! Your gonna wake up Mo-"

George groaned at the loud conversation going on top of him. He sat up and saw the two of his pups sitting on his legs.


"G'morning mommy!" Alina said and giggled

"Mommy? I'm hungry" Aiden whined.

That woke George up. He crawled out of the nest and motioned the two pups to follow him.

"Come on. It's breakfast time!" He cheered.

No pup of his would ever be hungry. He promised himself that. George made quick work to make the two kids breakfast and saw how little time he had before work.

"Alright, pups. We're a little late but after you're done I want both of you to go to the bathroom. Okay?" George asked politely. The two nodded and George went upstairs to quickly change to more formal wear for his job. Some jeans, a college t-shirt, and a gray zip-up hoodie.

That'll do.

George looked at himself in the mirror and stopped.

This hoodie...

It was Clay's hoodie.

It was the hoodie Clay had given George after his heat when Clay had to go back to Orlando to see his family for a short break.

George didn't have a family to go see so he stayed in the dorms. George had been clinging onto Clay like his life depended on it. He didn't want him to leave.

He didn't want his Alpha to leave him.

"George, baby you have to let me go. I'm going to miss the uber."

"No! Please, I don't want you to go!"

Clay had sighed and forced George's hands off him. George was about to burst into tears when he was met with a green bundle of fabric.

"Here, have this. It's basically drenched with my scent so you won't get lonely while I'm gone. It's like a part of me will always be here, with you."

George looked at Clay and then at the hoodie. He hurriedly put the hoodie on himself. It was oversized and stopped at his mid-thigh. The sleeves were too long which made him have sweater paws.

And true to his words, it smelled like Clay. Pine and Lemons. George looked at Clay, who had a fond smile on his lips, and jumped into his arms.

"Thank you, please be back soon" George begged.

Clay kissed his forehead. "I'll be home before you know it, I love you" Clay smiled and looked George in the eye...

"I love you too..."

George wiped the few tears he had rolling down his cheeks and walked out of the bedroom.

George went to the bathroom to brush his teeth. After a while, the two pups came into the bathroom where George helped them brush their teeth. Aiden made a huge hassle about brushing his teeth. It took George 10 minutes to brush the kids' teeth.

He let the two go and asked them to dress themselves up. Alina said he would help Aiden and they both ran into their room.

George noticed that the toothbrushes were bristling and had to be replaced.

sigh, this is the second time this month.

Usually, pups at the age of 4-10 liked to bite things and nibble on stuff. George had bought them chew toys so when they needed to bite something, their furniture, clothes, or other people wouldn't be on the line.

Alina liked to have flavored chew toys while Aiden liked plain rubber.

Don't ask George how he knows.

George walked downstairs to put the lunch boxes into his pups' backpacks and waited downstairs for them.

The two pups ran into the room and George had to take a double-take on how they looked. Miss match socks, hair all over the place and some of the clothes were the wrong way.

Oh boy...Here we go.

"Alright. Let's get you guys actually dressed." He signed.

After another 10 minutes of hassling around the pups were finally dressed and ready to go. Because they had taken so much time they had missed the bus. So in a hurry, George called Iida and asked if she would be able to drive them. Iida had said yes immediately

Iida drove the trio to the school where George dropped off the pups and then walked over to the kindergarten.

The day had been exhausting from the beginning, to say the least. Everything had gone wrong but George was still trying his best. In his lunch break, the dean had asked George if he was alright. George responded he was fine. He lied.

His dean asked-no told George to ask for the rest of the day off just so he could catch up with the pups and his day-to-day life. George called the diner and told them he couldn't come in today. Max was pissed, George ignored him.

After he was done in the daycare he called Iida again to ask if she could drive him to the store and watch the pups after. To say she was excited was an understatement. She picked the trio up and drove George to their local store and asked when she would come to get George. George told her he would come by bus so she didn't need to wait. George got off and waved to the pups and walked into the store.

Okay, so. We need Milk, bread, eggs, toothbrushes, soap, and a few more things. George got the bread first then milk and the eggs. He was about to go get some flour when someone bumped into him. He stumbled a bit until he regained his balance.

The stranger started to apologize immediately.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't watch where I was going!"

"No..No it's okay It was just an accide-" George's smile fell when he lifted his head and his eyes made contact with the strangers.

Except it wasn't a stranger.

Those eyes George could stare at hours at a time, those blond locks he loved to caress his hand through. Those beautiful freckles he liked making constellations of. That scent which made George's instincts crazy...



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