14. Makes me want to try

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"...Hey, George"

oh god, why?!

George stared at the man in front of him. He was wearing some casual clothes and had a small smile on his lips.

"O-Oh...um...hi?" George answered carefully.

What the fuck do I do!?

"So..um...what are you doing here? Wait-shit- I'm dumb you obviously work here you have the uniform and everything! I just didn't realize it was you because of the uniform. N-Not that you aren't beautiful or anything I just-"

George could hold in his laughter anymore. The small giggle fit he had soon passed. The blond staring at George with his cheeks tainted pink.

Focus George! You have a job!

"Okay...so! What can I get you?" He asked and gave Clay a small smile.

Clay shook his head and looked above George to see what kinds of foods they would have. After a while, the blonde hummed. "Surprise me!" he said.

George looked at him weirdly. raising his eyebrow.

Who the fuck does he think he is?

"Sure" He answered back. George tapped some things on the cash register and went to the kitchen. Dream walked towards an empty booth and sat down on it. Pulling out his phone and going on Twitter.

He gave Max the receipt. In it read the order that he picked for Clay. Max looked at George with an annoyed look and turned around to start doing the dish.

After that, a person sitting on a stool near the counter asked for a cup of coffee and George went to serve them. The man was in his fifties and smelled like alcohol. The man was tall, almost 6feet. He was eyeing George which sent shivers down George's spine, but he ignored it.

George busied himself into cleaning the counter and refilling the coffee maker. Max dinged the food bell and presented the plate of food that George had ordered for Dream. Just out of spite.

George took the plate of food and walked towards Dream's booth. He placed down some bread slices with bacon and Sunny Side up eggs with a vanilla milkshake and a basket of fries.

"Here it is. Enjoy your meal!"George tried to act as normal as he could. He didn't want to give the blonde special treatment just because he used to love him once.

"Thank you Georgie" Clay smiled and dug in. George wanted to groan in protest.

George just gave him a fake smile and went back to the counter.

The rest of George's shift went almost smoothly. The drunk person started to catcall George and make him very uncomfortable. The man started to make small talk with George. Making very vulgar remarks towards him.

And to make matters worse Clay was giving him glances every now and then.

"Hey, sweetcheeks. Does that ass come with a get-in ticket?" The man laughed "Get a beer would'ya?"

George just sighed and bent over to retrieve a beer from the small fridge under the counter.

The man whistled "Damn, sweetcheeks. You walk around with that? damn, can you share some?"

Okay, that's enough.

George banged the beer down on the counter in front of the man.

"No. I wouldn't share anything with an arrogant, asshole of an Alpha like you." George growled. He opened the beer bottle with a ring on his finger and placed it in front of the Alpha. "Hope you enjoy your night" he smiled sweetly and walked back to the cash register so close up.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now