18. The Man of My Dreams

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To say George was in shambles was an understatement! He was in shock! He had met up with Clay, and surprisingly, it had gone well!

He had gotten answers to some of his questions and gotten closure but- what now?

Sure, he had gotten answers, but now he has more questions!

Like 'Why are you back?' and 'Why did our friends leave/ghost me?'

It's frustrating and George is so sick of questions that he doesn't know the answer to!

God, he can already feel the headache coming.

George opens the front door to his home. The keys jingled in his hands. He sets them down, taking his coat off and letting his backpack fall to the ground.

George is just walking into the living room when he hears two fast and small feet running upstairs.

"I'm home!" He yells.

"Mommyy!" Alina, "Mom!" and Aiden run down the stairs towards George.

The two pups jump into his arms and George catches them and spins around, making the two laugh and squeal in happiness.

George inhales the small amount of blueberries and vanilla that is coming off the two pups. Relaxing him further.

George kisses their foreheads and sets them down "How have you two been? You haven't caused any trouble for Aunt Iida, have you?" George asked with a smirk.

The two kids shook their heads vigorously.

"We've been good, mommy! I swear!" Alina yelled, beaming with pride.

"Yeah! We were really really good! We even had ice cremm...Ice...ice creamme...Ice-'' Aiden struggled to say the word right.

"Ice cream! Iida said we were so good that we had Ice Cream!" Alina yelled happily and jumped up and down.

"Yes, I did indeed say that" Iida said while leaning on the kitchen door frame and looking at the pups fondly. "You two have behaved particularly well today"

George was proud. He had always been worried about how he would raise the pups and if he would be a good parent.

He was proud of his pups.

After that Iida and George made dinner while Alina and Aiden were happily watching the tv. George could hear how Aiden babbled some things while the movie was playing and Alina trying to silence his brother.

The small family ate their dinner. The pups told George about all the things they did that day and George listened to every word and told them how proud he was of them.

After eating and cleaning up Iida left to go back to her home. The pups had a small tantrum about Iida leaving and not coming back. George and Iida had to convince them that she would be back and would come back tomorrow.

When Iida finally left to go home, the pups were still teary and had a small pout on their face. George found the sight cute and silently snapped a picture of the two.

"Hey...how about we watch a movie and cuddle?" George suggested. Alina's and Aiden's faces lit up like the sun.

That's how George found himself between the two pups, a blanket on top of all three of them and the movie Moana playing on the Tv.

The trio hadn't even gotten far into the movie when Alina broke the silence.

"Mommy?" Alina asked

"Yes, sweetie?" George hummed

"Do we also have a daddy? Like Moana does?"

George's breath hitched. His vision started to spin and everything felt too much. He knew that the two pups would ask questions the more they grew, but George didn't know what to say.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now