15. Idiot

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"Tell me why I wasn't good enough for you!"George screamed and started to sob.

Clay's heart broke at that.

George thought...he wasn't good enough? He thought I meant all of those things? Does he believe those things, for real?

Oh god...

Oh god! He really has fucked up.

He knew that they left on a bad note and Clay wanted to fix that.

however, he didn't realize it had been this bad. That it had done some serious damage to George.

Clay hated himself.

G-George...I...I-I do-don't know w-what to say...I'm just so so so so sorry!"

Clay's throat closed up and tears started to fall from his eyes.

He didn't mean to! He didn't want this! He hated this!

"I'll love you forever" Clay whispered to George. Holding him against his chest. Both standing in their spot. The willow tree up on a hill, looking at the sunset.

"Really now? forever is a long time you know. Are you sure you won't get bored of me?" George asked chuckling. His voice was muffled by Clay's chest.

"I promise" Clay answered.
"Don't make promises you can't keep" George said back

Clay lifted George away from his chest so the two were now looking at each other. Green eyes met brown and blue.

"I'll love you forever. I promise. Because you're the only person I'll ever need" Clay said quietly.

"I'll love you too." George giggled and Clay kissed him.

"G-George?" Clay asked wearily. He reached his arm towards the shaking omega and George flinched. Clay drew his arm back fastly.

Who hurt you this much?

I did...didn't I?

G-George? I-I know I can't say anything to you that is w-worth your time, b-but, please. I-I just want to talk-No. I need to apologize. P-please." Clay said while trying to stop his tears. He released some calming pheromones to help the omega calm down.

George seemed to calm down a little.

"S-stop...p-please" George said weakly trying to stop his sobs.

Clay stopped releasing his pheromones immediately.

"C-can...C-Can I h-hug you...?" Clay asked while sniffling.

George thought for a minute and gave Clay a small nod. Clay walked towards George like he was a wild animal and carefully wrapped George in his arms. George put his arms around Clay and gripped Clay's hoodie like his life depended on it.

Clay ran his fingers through George's hair and let out a small ounce of his calming scent. Humming a small tune and rocking the two back and forth. It was nostalgic in a way. To think this was their normal eight years ago. After a while, George's sobs turned to sniffles. When George went to pull away Clay let him.

"A-are you okay?" He whispered.

"Y-yeah...Thanks." George mumbled and looked down at his shoes.

The two of them just stood there. Both of them wanted to say so much but didn't want to scare the other.

One wanted answers
One wanted to apologize

I need to do this! Clay thought

"I...I-uh..." Clay signed. "C-can we...um..C-can we talk? I..." Clay spoke while looking downwards.

He didn't deserve to look at George in the eyes.

"I-I'm going to be honest with you, George...I-I want to apologize. Properly this time. I... I want to explain myself and I owe you that explanation. So...can...we?" Clay asked wearily.

He's going to reject you.
He's going to leave you.
I deserve it.
He hates you.
I hate myself as well.

"I...um..." George fumbled with his words. It was clear he didn't know what to say.

"w-we can get some coffee? Or-or drinks? We could go to a park or-or wherever you want to meet up at? Heck, y-you can have someone you trust there if you'd like! I-I just want to talk to you. And If-if you want me to leave you alone then I-I understand that..." Clay's voice got quieter at the end.

Clay didn't want to lift his head up to see George's reaction. He was afraid he would look at Clay with hatred or disgust or-or worse! His hands began to tremble, his eyes blurring with tears, and everything was spinning until-

"Y-yeah...I...I would-I'd like that...I'd like that a lot, actually." George's heavenly voice brought him back to earth.

His head snapped up to look at George. He was looking at Clay with a small smile.

Probably forced.

"R-really?" Clay asked quietly. He had some hope.

"yeah" George said firmly. He dug out his phone and offered it to Clay "Give me your phone number so we can discuss a time and place"

Clay took it carefully and imputed his phone number in it and offered it back to George.
The name "Clay :)" looking back at him making him smile

George pocketed his phone and looked at Clay. "I'll text ya when I'm ready" He said.

"Y-yeah. T-take all the time you need. I'll wait." Clay answered back.

George nodded and made a sound of agreeing. "well...bye"he waved at Clay.

"Bye" Clay answered back watching as George turned around and started to walk towards his home.

Clay, you idiot! Say something! He's not going to text you ever! Just say something!!

"G-George! Wait!" George stopped and turned around quickly looking at clay with confusion

Clay jogged a little bit to catch up to George. A few feet away from him.

"I just-um...I-uh..." Clay took a deep breath and relaxed. "Thank you" He looked at George.

George offered him a small smile. "You're welcome...


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