11. More than anything

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"Look man, I don't mean to sound rude, but I swear if you're calling me for nothing, I'm going to fuck you up."

Clay sighed. Everything was just too much right now. He needed to talk to someone and low and behold he went to the only person he trusts with his life.

"I-I just..Ugh! I know I'm calling at a bad time, but please, Nick. I need to vent to someone and my mind is not shutting up until I do." Clay said his voice wavering, he felt too trapped. Million thoughts and opinions running wild around his head and no way of escaping.

"Woah, okay, calm down dude. So you need to vent, right? Well, I think this is a good enough reason for me to actually listen to you. I'm here, so go ahead. What's been prickling your ass today?"

Clay signed. What was he supposed to say? Where would he start!?

"Nick, I...I know why the CEO called me in yesterday.." He finished. He needed to start somewhere.

"Oh! You did? Well, do spill."Nick answered.

"You-You remember Adam? Adam Greywill?"

"Yeah? Wasn't he the one who you got that letter from 8 years ago?"

"Yeah, he was...and um...Well, a lot happened and he explained that he would retire in a few months"

"Oh, really? Then why did he want to see you for?"

"...He..."Clay signed "He wanted me to become the next CEO, nick"

Clay could hear Nick spitting something out and coughing violently. It took a few minutes until the ravenette croaked something to respond.

"He fucking what?!" Nick tried to yell.

"Ye-yeah. He umm. He says he has no one to take control of the company after him. Even though he has children. He just didn't want them to take over the company because none of them were Alphas." Clay groaned and walked over to his couch and sat down. "So he trash-talked his wife and kids and proceeded to tell me how well I did in the AUS program. He told me I would be a "Perfect Fit" to be the next CEO"

"Wow. Okay, Clay. Your Leo is showing." Nick laughed. Clay could imagine the grin he would have.

"Oh, Fuck off cracknap!"

"IT WAS ONE TIME!" Nick laughed angrily.

"One time too many!" Clay wheezed his iconic laugh. He felt better. Talking to Nick always made him feel better.

Just like George used to do

Clay's laughter died down, a frown taking control of his face. He walked over to his office space and sat down on his office chair.

"Well, I'm glad and surprised, to say the least. Congrats man on the promotion! You're probably gonna take it, right?" Nick asked. Clay heard some shuffling. Nick's probably going to bed.

"Mhm" Clay hummed, staring at the ceiling. He couldn't stop thinking about the encounter with George.

"Alright, spill" Nick said sternly.

"Wha?" Clay asked, confused. To be honest he had spaced out and didn't know if Nick had said anything.

"Clay, I've known you since middle school. I know something is bothering you, so spill."

Clay thought about it for a second. Should he tell Nick about George? Should he tell him about the encounter?

Fuck it.

"I-uh...do-...do you remember George?" Clay asked wearily.

Nick went silent. Clay was worried he had said something wrong or the ravenette had hung up.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now