5. New Home

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Clay parked the car in front of the house. The house was a two-story house, almost brand new, and had 3 bedrooms, a kitchen, laundry room, living room, 2 bathrooms, and a backyard.

It was perfect.

Clay stepped out of the car and opened the backseat door to pick up his backpack.

He walked to the door and fumbled with the keys for a while before the door clicked open and he was able to get in.

The house looked so empty and clean. A few boxes were littered around the apartment. no decorations were placed anywhere. It looked very creepy.

Clay signed and walked further into the house. He walked upstairs to the room he had claimed as his and threw his backpack to the floor and jumped back first onto the bed.

What a day.

Clay had been nervous when he had first seen the email to meet the CEO of the Alpha Special Unit, but oh boy. He should have been more nervous than before.

The CEO? Him? Why now?

After Clay had calmed down from his official shock he had reluctantly accepted the position. He had to do a mountain of paperwork and agreements before he could become the official CEO, but as of now, he was working as a right-hand man.

Meaning when Adam couldn't do something, it was Clay's responsibility to do it.

He had eyed the agreements and the prospects of it and he could say proudly that to some of them. He didn't agree with.

one of them Clay thought was stupid was that 1st He would not get to leave work to help his mate (if he had one) if they were in heat/rut and 2nd there was no parental leave.


There were many more rules that Clay did not agree to so he waited to sign those contracts last.

Clay's thoughts were cut short by a low grumble from his stomach. He chuckled and got up to go to his kitchen.

His parents and sister had helped him find a house and settle in it. He had his sister, Claire, find a house for him and pack his stuff from his room in their parent's house.

Her mother, Rose, helped with picking up pots, pans, cleaning supplies, curtains, and other necessities for him.

His father, Jacob, had picked some simple furniture for his new home and made a simple document on cars that he could buy after he had moved in.

But when Clay got to the kitchen he forgot one simple thing.

He forgot to ask to bring food.

His empty fridge stared back at him and his pantry was no better. He only had Ice.

Fucking great.

On the other hand, He was hungry, but he was too tired to make anything, let alone go to a grocery store.

I'll go tomorrow.

Clay decided to order in. He walked to the living room and slumped on the couch, fished his phone, and ordered a pizza. He lifted up the tv remote and turned it on, trying to find something to pass the time.

After 20 minutes the doorbell rang and Clay answered, he got his pizza, and walked back to his seat on the couch.

The rest of the evening was spent on the couch eating pizza and watching whatever the fuck was on tv.

Clay wondered if he should have unpacked some of the boxes, but he did not have the energy to do anything today.

Many hours later Clay decided it was time to go to bed. He took a long shower, got into comfy clothes, and flopped onto the bed. He threw the blanket over himself and fell asleep only after a few minutes.

This place didn't feel like home...


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