23. Big Little secrets

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George has never been happier, and more relaxed than he is now! First, he got an official spot in being a teacher in the kindergarten which meant a better paycheck! That was the day George was able to bring Aiden and Alina to an amusement park for the first time! Their happy faces had been carved into George's heart for life.

George was now able to quit his second job at the diner AND he's going to quit the 3rd job he has!

And he's been able to spend more time with his pups! And the pups have been very excited to spend time with 'Uncle Sap and 'Uncle karlos'. George had gotten at least 100 messages while at work from both of them telling him how happy they are (and proud of the nicknames the pups called them) and they would murder George if he took this away from them. George would never do it.

One evening George came home to Agnes crying on the couch because the pups had called her 'grandma'. George had hugged and told her that she should go home to 'grandpa'.

She had cried more.

God, George felt like being on cloud 9. Everything was so right! Finally, after 8years, his life seemed to finally settle!

but...in the back of George's mind, he felt guilty.

George was able to see and experience his pups and family having fun, growing up, and making new memories...but Clay was the father of the pups...George knew he should know. He should be able to be a part of this, his family, and the pup's life.

but Clay wasn't a part of it.

George hadn't still told Clay about the pups. He knows, God, He knows! He should tell Clay, but George just can't.

Call him a pussy if you'd like. It wasn't easy for him.

Speaking of Clay, he had asked George earlier if he could take him to the park. George had said he didn't want to go to a park after what happened last time. Clay had just said he was all good now and there would be nothing to worry about

agreed and that's how he found himself walking down the street towards the park. Earbuds over his ears blasting music. (A/N: Listen to "Only when I Look Into Your Eyes" by Fiji Blue)

The scenery changed around George. From the crusty-looking concrete towers to suburbs to the city. Everything looked so peaceful and calming. Before George even realized he found himself near the park's entrance.

George took off his headphones and looked around. No Clay anywhere.

Huh. That's strange, he's always on time...

George looked through his messages to see if Clay had said anything about being late.

no message.

George thought for a moment and decided to wait for a few more minutes before calling Clay.

While waiting he thought about how much time has passed and how Clay's presence has changed his mood. He was happier and relaxed.

oh geez! It's been 20minutes already!

Just as George was dialing Dream's number a black BMW rolled into the parking space next to him. Out of the car stepped, wouldn't you know it, Clay.

"Hi, George! Sorry, I'm late! I missed the bus I had to take so I had to take my car." Clay rubbed the back of his neck and explained sheepishly.

George didn't want to think why Clay was driving around a car that could probably pay his rent for the next 6years. He just smiled and nodded.

"so...? Shall we go?" George said. Clay relaxed and nodded "Sure!"

The two had a nice walk. Talking about what they had done today and the past week. They also talked about stories when the two of them were separated. Clay in the ASU and George- well.Told him stories that happened, but left the pups out of them.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now