1. Prologue

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The sky was dark. The sky was roaring and the rain was harsh against the college dorm room window. George was sitting on a bean bag in front of the window. A cup of hot tea and a blanket wrapped around him. Somehow the storm was not scary to George. He thought it was quite calming.

He should have known better.

The dorm room door opened and a man walked in. George turned his head to look at the man in front of the door, taking his jacket and shoes off. He smiled when his eyes were met with green and loving eyes.

"Hey, babe. What are you doing? Did you get out of class early?" The man spoke while walking towards George and wrapping his arms around his waist. Hugging him from the back and nuzzling his head to the crock of George's neck.

"I'm just watching the storm, Clay ." George hummed and leaned back to Clay's chest and closed his eyes.

"And yes, my classes got canceled so I didn't have any. I do have one essay to do but nothing much. How was class?" Clay let go of George and walked towards his closet to change his clothes.

"It wasn't too bad. The teacher was being kind of an ass at the beginning though. Ugh! I can't wait until we graduate!" Clay groaned.

George laughed fondly at the blonde's misery. They have been friends from the start of middle school until high school when Clay asked George to be his boyfriend. He accepted and they started to date after. They were now Juniors in college.

George watched Clay struggle to put a hoodie on. He had his tongue peeking from his lips in deep concentration. ''God I love this idiot'' George thought and smiled.

But You didn't love me the same.

"Oh! Yeah George, look what I got in the mail today!" George turned his head to Clay and saw he was holding up a letter with a wax seal on it and in front of it was Clay's name.

"What is it?" George questioned. Clay's smile widened and handed the letter to George, fiddling with his fingers afterward.

"So...I-um...I was thinking about us and-I-uhh...I-I saw a program who are looking for people to v-volunteer for them and I-I applied." Clay said and looked at the ground.

George noticed how nervous Clay looked. He hasn't seen the blonde boy this nervous since he confessed his feelings to the brunette.

It was a red flag. And I knew it.

"Oh? Um...Wha-What is the company's name? And what are they asking volunteers for?" George looked at the letter in thought.

I should have ripped that letter.

"It-It's not important, but, babe-" Clay grabbed both of George's hands and looked him in the eye. Caseous brown eyes were met with nervous green ones.

"This can help us both. I-....no-We won't need to worry about money ever again. We can live the life that we both want."

Was money the thing that pulled us apart?

" I-I know that we have talked about our future together and what we want but-George you have to understand that I love you right? So please, please trust me that It'll be alright. okay?"

"Wh-what do you mean? I know I love you, but what are you talking about?" George's voice became quieter at the end looking for an explanation from the taller.

"It's okay, sweetheart. Don't worry your little head about it" Clay kissed George's forehead and reached for the letter.

"I'll make it alright, just give me the letter, hon"

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now