22. Always

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George groaned as another round of growls rang through the house. This has been happening frequently now for the past 5 months! In Geroge's opinion, the second it started it should have ended.

Although George knows and remembers how pup presentation, behaviorism, and sensory learning works, It doesn't make it any less annoying. George had to go watch and learn from the sidelines when his younger siblings went through the "pup phase" themselves.

A louder growl and a yelp was when George had had enough.

"Alina! Aiden! That's enough!" George stood, arms crossed, in front of the two pups fighting each other on the ground.

Alina and Aiden looked down in shame and stood up. Both of them knew they were in trouble.

"Alina? What have I told you about annoying your brother?" George asked sternly.

Alina fiddled with her shirt sleeves "...To not do it..." She mumbled

"Exactly! And Aiden? What have I told you about controlling your outbursts?"

Aiden looked at Alina and then mumbled "...To think before you do..."

"Correct" George said and crouched down so he was on eye level with the pups. "Listen, you too need to stop fighting over everything, alright? I know that instincts can get annoying at some time, but, Alina? Aiden? Remember what I have taught you two about instincts?" George asked gently.

Alina took a while to think before Aiden said-

"We're not animals..." He said quietly

George ruffled Aiden's hair "Good job! Yes, we're not animals. We indeed have similar qualities, instincts, and behavior, but we are not animals, that's why we need to have control of ourselves and our behavior, alright?" George said

Alina and Aiden nodded.

"Good, now make up you two," George said and stood up, he walked to the kitchen and began to make dinner for the pups.

George looked over and saw the pups scenting each other. A few years ago the two had seen George and Iida scent each other and asked what it meant. That concluded into the trio having the "pup talk", where George explained what scenting was and what it meant. Alina and Aiden had been so excited after that, scenting each other, and George, all the time! George had gotten at least 6 emails from other parents telling him to "control his kids" because Alina and Aiden had scented other pups at school.

Geroge snapped out of his thoughts when the doorbell rang.

"Mooom! Someone's at the door!" Alina yelled

Huh? That's strange...Iida said she couldn't come over today...

It couldn't be George's parents for obvious reasons...could it be the landlord again??

George chuckled and dried his hands on a rag and walked into the living room where Alina and Aiden were sitting on the couch watching Cocomeleon. George snatched the remote and turned on a kids' movie Totoro.

"Hey! Mommyy" Alina whined

"Nooo! Moom!" Aiden complained

George sighed "Listen, you two are old enough to watch other shows and movies, it's time to say goodbye to Cocomelon." George said and smiled.

The doorbell was now pressed repeatedly, clearly, the person behind the door was clearly in a hurry.

"Coming!" George yelled, "Now, you two?" George turned to the two pups sitting on the couch- Behave" George said and walked towards the front door.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now