10. I promise

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His voice was unsteady. He tried to make his voice sound stable, but it just came out weak and small. He hated it.

George's body stood frozen. His legs felt like they had been frozen to the spot he stood at. He was staring at the person who had plagued his mind with nightmares.

Clay. Clay was here, right in front of him.

After 8 years of the man he hated was gone from his life, here he stood again. Ready to ruin it again.

Just like that day...

George looked at Clay. He had gotten a few more inches on him. Not to mention the muscles that now were showing through the t-shirt and hoodie. The muscles that had apparently appeared out of thin air. His face had gotten more freckles and his hair seemed longer. His eyes were just as bright as he remembered. Clay's jaw had gotten sharper and now had a small scar on it.

Clay's scent was stronger than before, now it was almost overwhelmingly strong. George could smell that Clay was confused and shocked from his scent. The Scent of pine and lime filled his nostrils and made his inner omega purr.

George shut that down immediately.

Clay had been silent for a couple of minutes until he spoke, filling George's ears with the honey-sweet voice he-used to- love.

"Y-yeah...It-It's me" He lifted his arm to rub the back of his neck... "How...um...It's...It's been a while...huh?"

He's nervous. Huh.

"Y-yeah...umm...it has been a while...a-almost 8 years...I think" George looked at the floor. He couldn't look him in the eye. Not anymore, it broke him more and more.

Why? Why was he here?! Why now?! Just when his life was on the right track! Does he enjoy making me miserable!? Why. Is. He. Here?!

"W-what are...ahem...What are you...doing here?" George asked carefully. He had to leave. His mind was swarming with warning signals. He has to find a way out!

"Oh...umm, oh, shit...it's been that long, huh? W-well I...um...I-uhh- I kind of...live here...now, so, um...yeah" Clay answered, giving him an awkward chuckle.

Yeah? It took 8 years for you to start missing me? It took 8 years to apologize? It took 8 years to want to find me and break me again?! It took 8 years for me to learn to love myself again!

"Oh..Um..uh...Great! That's- That's great! Uh...I..um..."George's throat started to close. The lights were too bright, the AC was too cold, the room was too small. Out. Out. Out. OUT!

"Hey...Um...George?" Clay asked carefully.

George flinched. He was going to be yelled at. He's not enough, he's not good enough, he's not pretty enough. He's not-

"Y-yeah?" George tried very carefully.

"I-um..." Clay took a deep breath.

Here it comes. Don't yell, don't yell, please, please, please don't yell-

"Look..I-uh...I...um...I-I know we didn't part ways...the best way possible, and I- I said and did some things that I didn't mean...I-I would take it all back if I could...but I-...I...can't. I-I know I can't say sorry enough, but I just-... I am so sorry, George."

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now