12. My Little Sunshines

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"I will rip his balls out! Who does he think he is!?" Niki slammed her boba tea on the table in anger.

She had gotten a phone call from George telling her in tears that he needed her comfort.

What was she supposed to do? Leave his best friend to the rocks?!

Not on her watch.

"I don't know what to do Niki. I just-Froze! I haven't seen him for 8 years! 8 years and he's back here and he just happened to be in the same store, at the same fucking time!" George groaned and banged his head on the table.

Niki placed a hand on his shoulder and George looked up.

"What am I gonna do Niki?" George asked, the pure desperation wavering in his voice.

He looked so broken.

"They are his too. No matter how much I want to deny it. Niki, they have already started to ask about him, what do I do?" Tears were brimming in the corners of George's eyes ready to spill over.

Niki stood up from her seat and sat next to George. Pulling his head against her chest and wrapped her arms around him.

George latched on immediately.

"N-Niki, Wha-What if h-he finds out a-and t-tries to take t-them from m-me! What if the p-pups are going to l-lave me for h-him!"

Niki's heart broke.

A few years ago, when she had to go to the hospital when she was in an accident, she bumped into George. Well, very pregnant George. After the two were done catching up, George had sobbed on the hospital bed and told Niki everything.

From the fight with Clay, to finding out he was pregnant to realizing that all of his friends and family had blocked him and were now gone from his life

Leaving him all alone.

After that realization, Niki, was there for him and after two months, George gave birth to the twins. (Although Niki wasn't allowed into the delivery room because she wasn't his mate or family member.)

After George had given birth and was laying on the hospital bed, Niki had entered to see George with two small bundles in his arms, tears streaming down his cheeks as he looked at the two small whimpering pups.

He looked up at Niki.

"They're so small." He had whispered.

His tears finally falling down like rain.

"They are indeed" she had agreed.

"I'll love them" Because he couldn't love you." I'll love them whit my everything. My little sunshines "

George had loved the pups since they were born. Well, that's what he told others. He had loved them the second he heard their first cries and whimpers.

He still loved his pups, with his everything.

George was so afraid of Clay.

He didn't want the blonde to realize he had kids and kept them. That he had spent 8 years out of his pups' life. He didn't want the blonde to take away his sunshines.

"Shh, shh, George. It's going to be okay. He will not take the pups away and I can bet my hair on it that the pups won't ever want to leave you for some stranger they have to call father by genes." Niki rubbed his hand up and down George's spine. Letting out a calming scent to his fellow omega.

Niki smelled like flowers. Specifically Roses and sunflowers.

George dug his head to the crook of Niki's neck and inhaled the calming scent. Niki kept rubbing his hand up and down George's spine. Helping the other Calm down. Humming a sweet tune and rocking them back and forth.

After a while, George let go and smiled at her. "Thanks, Niki. I needed that."

Niki smiled and nodded "Of course! You're my best friend and you've been through so much. You deserve to be happy!"

The two talked the rest of the day until George had to go to work. He bid Niki goodbye and walked towards the diner.

He stepped in and walked to the backroom to get changed.

Welp, time for work.

The evening went almost uneventful. A few drunk guys were cat-calling him and harassing him, but nothing out of the ordinary. George had learned how to deal with those.

Well, almost uneventful

At the last hour of his shift the bell signaling George that a customer had walked into the diner rang. George tidied himself up and went over to the cash register and looked up.

"Hello, and welcome to Donna's diner! What can I-"

George's breath caught in his throat...

oh god! This can not be happening!

Not you again!

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now