20. Busted

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George held Clay's hand tightly. Almost as if he let go the man would disappear.

The trip to the hospital was torturous and long. The medics were surrounding Clay and trying to spot the bleeding from the gash in his head. They were speaking words but the world sounded muffled to George.

Clay had lost consciousness right after "...the ambulance was on the way."

Then the sirens went on and the ambulance accelerated, trying to get faster to the hospital.

George tightened his hold on Clay's hand

The doors opened and when the stretcher moved Clay, George moved with it. He couldn't stop looking at Clay's face. He looked peaceful but his eyebrows were knitted together.

Probably from the pain

Then his hand was ripped from Clay's and suddenly, the world was too loud.

"-you need to stay here, you can wait for him in the waiting room."

"...what?" George spoke quietly

"Sir? You can't go into the operation room. You need to wait in the waiting area." The nurse in front of him said.

"I...I don't-" George didn't know what to say. What was he supposed to say?

"Here, sir. I'll take you to the waiting room." The nurse said and helped George to the waiting area. He helped George sit down.

"Would you like some water?" The nurse asked

George could only nod.

The nurse went off and George was left to sit on the blue hospital seat.

In the back of his mind, he knew Clay was going to be fine. George has literally seen him break 3 of his ribs, he's seen him break his arm-for fuck sake George has seen him get hit by a car!


Why does he feel like this?

"Wait...Is that?.... George Davidson?"

And the world froze. George hasn't heard that voice in 9 years. The voice was soft and gentle just like he always remembered it to be after all these years. The voice brought comfort to him, like a mother to a child.

and in a way, George always saw her as a mother.

"....Mrs.Miller?" George spoke out.

...it was Clay's mom.

Then a pair of arms wrapped around him in a hug. The scent around him changed from the chemicals of the hospital to a sunflower field smell. It felt warm and safe.

George missed this feeling. He buried his face into the shoulder and inhaled the calming scent.

"Oh...George" Mrs.Miller spoke slowly and cupped George's cheeks, wiping away tears that were falling from his eyes.

When did he start crying?

"What's wrong? Why are you here?" Mrs. Miller asked gently and sat down next to George, still holding his face.

"I-it's C-Clay...He-He-" George tried to talk through his hiccups and sobs.

"shh, shhh, I know, sweetheart, it's okay, I'm here." Mrs.Miller calmly said and wiped the new tears away.

The omega began to purr and comb her fingers through George's hair, trying to calm the other alike next to her. George just hugged her tighter.

After a while George let go of the hug, now calmed down and full of questions.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now