6. Family

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Holy fuck.

The night had definitely been long!

His work partner, Max, kept yelling at him for being slow, customers were being assholes and the tips he received were taken because 'he didn't do a good enough job'. Not to mention Max made him close up the diner. Which meant cleaning the counters and floors, doing the dishes, and getting everything ready for tomorrow.

When George go home all he wanted to do was sleep. He managed to end his shift at
1 am.

Iida was lying on the couch when George got home. She turned the tv off, stood up, and looked at the clock with wide eyes. She walked towards George and took his hands in hers and sat him on the couch.

"Pretty rough day, huh?" she smiled.

"Yeah...I just.....I want to go to bed." George signed and looked at the ceiling like it was the most interesting thing.

"Mhm, I understand. You go sleep. I'll leave soon." Iida stood up and looked at George.

"I can't just go to sleep right now. I have to cook the pups' lunches for tomorrow, clean, do laundry and look through what I want to teach tomorrow to the pups." George put his head in his hands.

He was so tired. Since the pups were born he has never gotten over 6 hours of sleep. Normally he would get 1-4 hours of sleep, meaby 5 hours on a good day. Nowadays he didn't have time for chores, socializing, or himself!

"That's why I'm here for. What do you think I did all day? I cleaned the house, did the laundry, and made food for you guys!" Iida smiled.

George was going to cry, no, he was crying. He couldn't hold back the waterfalls that run down his cheeks. Iida just hugged him and whispered sweet nothing to his ears. Gradually George calmed down and thanked Iida for her help. She just smiled and said that she would do it any day.

"Oh! I almost forgot! The pups are sleeping in your nest at the moment. They woke up at nine to ask where you were and had a small tantrum because you weren't here. So they gathered their stuffies and ran to the nest." Iida giggled. "So if you're looking for them, they're in the nest." Iida smiled and stood up.

She gathered her stuff and left to go to sleep in her apartment. Wishing George a good night's rest.

George signed and went upstairs to go check on the pups. Usually, when he got home the pups would wake up. Their instincts telling them that their mother is near which meant safety is near. George opened the door to his room and he smiled fondly0. He heard two small snores coming from the nest he had created.

(A/N: I was too lazy to describe this, but this is what George's nest looks like :])

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(A/N: I was too lazy to describe this, but this is what George's nest looks like :])

Alina and Aiden were both curled up in the many blankets around the nest. George noticed they had even put a few of his clothes in the nest to have their mother's scent. George took out his phone and took a picture. He decided to have a shower and join the two.

Why not? It's been so long since we have cuddled as a family.

George took a quick shower and changed into some comfy clothes and slowly crawled into the nest. The two pups whimpered as they were jostled around by heavyweight but calmed down when George laid down and wrapped his arms around the two pups.

Aiden on his right and Alina on his left.

The two pups began to purr when they smelled George. They cuddled impossibly closer to George, and let out a small amount of their scent. Meaning the pups were happy.

Alina's scent was blueberry and mint.
Aiden's was Sunflowers and vanilla.

George laughed fondly at the two and let out his own scent and began to purr as well. After a while, the house was quiet, except the bedroom, where a mother and his two pups were sleeping soundly. The sounds of happy purrs and chirps lulled the trio to the dreamlands of sleep.

This was family.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now