13. All he Wanted

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"The number you have dialed is not in service, please try again later"

"Oh come on!" Clay groaned and flopped down to his bed.

Of course, he would change his number or block me. I'm an idiot.

What was he going to do now?

Well, he...wanted to find George again and apologize. Properly this time so that the brunet would know he actually means it.

Meaby taking him out to his favorite restaurant for dinner? and getting him blue flowers? Roses meaby?

No, George hates roses. Meaby lilacs? Carnations?

Clay's thoughts were swarmed by George George George George.

So much so that he couldn't feel his eyelids getting heavy and falling asleep...

"Hey Clay! How was class?" A sweet voice called out to him from behind. Clay jumped in surprise and turned around to see-

oh god-!

The handsome man in front of him had a light-blue hoodie under a white t-shirt, black jeans, and white vans. He was wearing some round glasses on his nose and was holding a few books and a binder in his arms. Over his right shoulder was a black backpack filled with different types of pins.

Clay was proud to say he had made a few of those pins by himself.

"H-hey, Georgie? Class was g-good-um... H-how was yours?"

God, Clay get yourself together! It's just George! You've been friends since middle school! Calm down !

"It was? Damn, mine was awful! I was yet again done before everyone else and the teacher had to call me out on it! Like I know I'm smart but just because she has a better education now doesn't mean I'm any less smart! Like, I could-"

George kept rambling. And Clay kept listening.

George's voice was all Clay could hear. His voice was so smooth and comforting. I was a honey-filled melody Clay couldn't get enough of.

All he wanted was to see George.

"Clay? Are you listening to me?"

"W-what?" Clay asked dumbly. He snapped out of his trance and looked at George.

He had his arms crossed over his chest and he had a small smirk on his lips. Looking up at Clay, straight in the eye.

"You weren't listening. Were you?" He spoke.

"N-No! I-I was listening!" He lied through his teeth. He gave him a small awkward chuckle.

"Oh? You did? Well, what did I say?" George's smirk grew to a grin and he placed his left hand to his hip in a sassy way.

Clay knew that George knew he wasn't actually listening.

"W-Well-uh...You-you were talking about...um...being...too smart?" Clay said, well it sounded more like a question.

George chuckled and turned around. " I knew it! You didn't listen!" He looked over his shoulder at Clay. "You coming?"

Clay smiled and jogged to catch up to George.

"You're a dork, you know that, right?" George bumped his shoulder against Clay's.

"Yeah, whatever, shut up. My ears weren't listening." Clay chuckled.

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now