4. A long night

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"Okay! We're here!" George stopped in front of the school. There were hundreds of kids playing on the playground and running around. All screaming and having fun.

George squatted in front of the kids and held up 5 fingers. "So one more time, what are the rules?"

"No Biting!" Alina said proudly, George chuckled and nodded. Alina was always in trouble for biting others when she was just a baby. Even now she still bites others sometimes.

George looked at Aiden with a smile.

"N-no bullying others." Aiden said the second one.

"Good, what else?" George questioned.

"Oh! OH! ME, me!" Alina said while jumping up and down.

"Yes, Alina?" George said and his smile widened.

"Don't talk to strangers!" Alina said. "Good job! NO talking to people you don't know. Aiden do you remember a rule?''George high-fived Alina and turned to Aiden.

"Ummm..." Aiden started to bite his lip in thought. Until his face lit up and he raised his hand.

"Yes, Aiden?" George already knew what Aiden was going to say but he played along.

"You r-raise your hand to ask a que..questun....questition... a ques-"

"A question." Alina smiled while looking at Aiden."It's a pronounced question." She smiled. Aiden nodded.

"Well done Aiden! Yes, you raise your hand to ask a question. Now, what rule is left?" George questioned.

Both of the pups were thinking very hard. George tried to hold down his laugh when Alina started to count how many rules were left to see if her mother was tricking them.

"It's; wait for mommy to pick you up from school. No matter what anyone says, I will always come to get you from school. So no following strangers or other adults. Okay?"

Both of the pups nodded and jumped to hug George.

"Have a great day at school, okay? I love you."

"I love you too, mommy!" Alina said while nuzzling her face in the crock of George's neck.

"Mhm!" Aiden nodded vigorously and tightened his grip on George's shirt.

George's nose filled with two happy pup smells and he purred a little smell. He released his grip from the pups and smiled at them.

"Go on. Off to school you go." The pups nodded and started to run towards the school entrance. George stood up and watched his kids enter the building. Before the pups could enter they turned around and waved to George. George waved back and saw the pups disappear into the building.

He turned and started to walk towards the building behind him. It was a kindergarten for small pups and disabled pups who needed more help than normal. George walked into the building and walked towards his class.

He said hello to his assistant, an omega named Anne and they planned what they would do with the pups today.

His class was a decent size, that could hold about 10-20 pups. It had a sitting area in the corner where George would read stories to get the pups to have a nap. It had tables for when they were drawing or doing arts and crafts. And it had a wall of shelves where the pups could keep their jackets and backpacks but also their books.

Like any other day, the clock finally hit 9 am and kids started to flood through the door. The pups were definitely having a good morning.

The rest of the day went normally. George helped the pups learn the Alphabet and some new words. Then they sang and had a nap. After that, the pups were allowed to play however they liked. George saw the clock hit 3 pm and said his goodbyes to the pups and Anne. He gathered his things and walked towards the school to meet his pups.

After a while, Alina and Aiden came running towards George and they hugged and kissed each other. The pups tell how their day went, and what they learned in school. George listened to every detail. The trio walked hand in hand towards their home and when they got there George made dinner and helped the pups with their homework.

At 6 pm George the doorbell rang and George opened the door to meet a familiar face.

"Hello, Iida! How are you doing?" George said and hugged the Beta woman. A faint smell of chocolate was surrounding the small beta

"Heya, George. I'm well, how have you been?" Iida responded and walked to the small couch.

"I'm doing well, exhausted, but well. Look, Iida, I'm sorry you have to watch them so often. You probably have something more important to do. I'm really sorry. I can pay you ne-"

George didn't get to finish his sentence when the beta wrapped him in a tight hug. George melted into the touch.

"George, how many times do I have to say this for you to believe me! I love to watch the kiddos! They're good pups and, trust me when I say I don't have anything better to do than to help you! Also, I swear if you pay me for watching the two adorable little goofballs I will end you." Iida responded

Two hurried footsteps could be heard coming down the stairs. Until two very energetic pups launched themselves into the batas arms.

"Mrs. Carpern!" Alina yelled

"Aunt Iida, Aunt Iida!" Aiden rambled. The two pups giggling and laughing.

"Well, what do we have over here! Two little lost pups, eh? What do I do now? Hmm... I guess I'll have to call the TICKLE MONSTER!" Iida yelled and started to tickle the two pups in her lap. The pups squealed and laughed in delight.

George could help but laugh along with the silliness of it all. Especially when Aiden started to yell for George to help him. After a while, Iida stopped tickling the two, and the both of them crawled to their mother's arms. Iida took a quick picture of the trio. George saw how both of them started to yawn and rub their eyes from sleep.

"I'll go put the kids to bed, you go get yourself ready for your shift" Iida spoke in a hushed voice and George gave the pups to Iida.

George went upstairs to change his clothes and shower. After a quick shower and fresh clothes, he packed his other bag and packed a small lunch for himself for when he would have a break. He was about to put his shoes on until Iida's voice stopped him.

"George? I tried my best, but the pups won't settle until they've gotten their goodbye kisses." Iida laughed and George shook his head fondly. George walked to the kids' room and saw two little heads peek out of blankets.

"Mommy!" The pups yelled and tried to get out of their bed to go greet George. George shushed them and told them to stay put.

George gave them kisses and asked the pups to go to sleep. Aiden asked George when he would be home.

"I'll be home very late today so Aunt Iida will be taking care of you until I get home, okay?" Aiden nodded and laid back down on his bed. Alina followed suit on hers.

George stood up and turned the night light on and closed the door. He passed Iida sitting on the couch and she wished him a good time at his work. George appreciated it. George walked downtown a couple of blocks to an old diner and walked through the back. His work partner for this shift Max was already there glaring at George. George signed and put his belongings in the back. He then put on his apron and went to the kitchen to start making foods that the customers ordered.

George had 3 different jobs. From Monday to Friday he was a kindergarten teacher from Monday to Sunday and in the evenings he was a server in the nearby diner. The third job, however...Well, George didn't like the job at all, but it was an emergency option, and got the bills paid.

"What the fuck are you daydreaming about?! Get back to work!" Max yelled from the counter. George signed. George couldn't help but think.

This is going to be a long night.

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