19. Calm Before the Storm

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It was 11 am when Clay finally got up and walked downstairs groggily. He was reading the unread messages and emails he had gotten while being unconscious.

"Wow! Whose dick did you suck to look so happy?"

"Nick, what the fuck!?" Clay yelled and almost dropped his phone.

The last few days feel like a fever dream to Clay. His and George's Cafe talk had gone well! And after that, the two have been messaging back and forth. Heck! Clay has even been able to be on the phone with George one evening when neither of them couldn't sleep! Clay had been more than happy to have a sleep call with George.

And, sure, Clay has been smiling more. And, yes, meaby he woke up today to a 'good morning!' message from George. Whatever! It isn't that big of a deal.

"What? It's a legitimate question to ask! You've been smiling more, going outside and, get this, you actually agreed to buy me the concert tickets for the band that I love! You never do that!" Nick exclaimed while slamming his bottle of water down the counter.

"oh? I did that?" Clay asked while rubbing the back of his neck in embracement.

"You didn't even realize!?" Nick yelled even louder

"Ow! don't yell so loud!" Clay smacked the back of Nick's head. "And yes, I didn't even realize, idiot."

Clay opened the fridge and got a bottle of water as well. He sat next to Nick and scrolled through his phone, checking Twitter and responding to a few emails.

"So....? Seriously, what's happening? You have been really-I dunno, content, lately? I guess? I mean-I'm really happy to see you happy for once, but I just- I want to know why?" Nick asked while making a sandwich for himself and sitting next to Clay.

Clay contemplated if he should tell Nick about him and George. Sure, Nick knows that Clay had met up with George and talked things through. He also knows that Clay feels quite guilty about the things he said and did.

Fuck it Nick's his best friend.

"I've been texting George." He says honestly.

Nick stopped abruptly and looked at Clay with an expression that Clay couldn't decipher.

"You're still in contact with George?!? What the fuck dude!" Nick yelled

"What do you mean still? We never stopped talking after the first "heart-to-heart" conversation. We've been talking about things and stuff." Clay said while looking at Nick confused.

"Well, it would have been nice to know that my best friend is talking to his ex again, who was my other best friend back in college, and hasn't told me about it. And, hasn't asked if I could talk to him." Nick said sarcastically.

Clay rubbed his neck sheepishly. "Yeah...you might have a point."

"Yeah! I might just have!"

"Alright! Alright, you have a fucking point. Are you happy now?" Clay asked and punched Nick in the shoulder.

"Ow! Fuck off! And yes. I am indeed happy" Nick rubbed his shoulder.

"But anyhow, how's it actually going? Ya know? With you and George?"

Clay sighed and banged his head on the table

"I mean we're talking but I know we're tip-toeing around the topic of our breakup. And George wasn't able to arrange another meeting the following week, like he asked, because of some "Family emergency" to which, you know. George's parents have never accepted him, so he's lying about that...I think. And We never got to talk the rest or whatever through." Clay finished.

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