16. Memories

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"George! Are you out of your mind!? You seriously can't be considering this!?"

"Shh! Be quiet! The pups are going to wake up!"

George was scrubbing the dishes while Iida was cleaning the table. The pups, Iida and George had just had dinner. George decided that the pups were going to have an early night. The kids had been tired out in school and the park after. The two gave off a sleepy pup smell after they got home. George made dinner and the small family ate together. Iida had helped George put the two pups to sleep.

It had been two weeks since George left the diner and talked to Clay. He had planned to meet him on Saturday, which was tomorrow. He had also set their meeting at a coffee shop that the both of them knew, because it was the location of their first date.

"George, are you listening to yourself? You're planning on meeting that monster of a man who just up and left you out of nowhere! How can you be sure he's actually sorry?"

George walked towards the living room and sat down on the couch. Placing his head in his hands.

"I am! This is what I want Iida. I want closure and answers that I've been dying to get! I need a reason to keep going! I want to know why he left! I want to know what made him leave! I want to know why I wasn't good enough for him for fucks sake!" George yelled and looked at Iida.

"George! You already have a reason to keep going! The pups! Alina and Aiden! Heck, you have me and even Niki! George, I know it's hard-no it's still hard. I understand that you want closure, but please. Try to understand this from another perspective." Iida spoke slowly. She sat next to George and placed her hand on his knee.

"Your ex-that you loved disappeared out of your life for 8 years. He didn't call, message, or try to contact you in any way. Your closest people, that you called your friends, disappeared after Clay left and you were left alone without an Alpha. You went through a tough pregnancy alone when it was the time that you needed your Alpha more than anything. Not to mention you raised the two pups alone! That is a hard task even for normal mated pairs, but you did it alone without anyone's help! And now that your life has some normality, the so-called Alpha returns and wants to talk to you and apologize and offer an explanation. Now think about this, Why did he come back? Did he meet you on purpose? What happens if he finds out that he has pups? What will he do?"

George was silent. She did have a point. It had been a tough pregnancy and he had no one to help him. Niki and Iida helped him sometimes, sure, but it wasn't enough. Why did he come back? All those questions were worth answers and George was determined to find out.

"I-I don't know. I-I'm scared about him finding out about the pups but I know that if he tries to take them I have the advantage here. Because of the fact that while he was away I raised the two pups alone. And if he says he "didn't know about them" I'll say I didn't want him to know because I knew he would be a bad Alpha and kept it a secret

All the questions I have, could be answered if I just asked. So now I want to know everything that I've missed. Where he was, how he was. Why he's here and why...why did he leave me.

I-I need to do this Iida. I want to know the reasons behind his actions and-and if... in the future the pups want to know more about-about...Clay...then I-I have to tell them. I-I don't want to keep them from him if they really want to.., you know- him to be a part of their life. They're already asking if they have a father and...I can't keep lying to them.." George said. He took a deep breath and signed "I just want to get the answers I need. I'm going. whether you like it or not." George said sternly.

Iida just chuckled. "I know you, George. There's no changing your mind after you've decided to do something. I don't like it, but I still support you" Iida smiled kindly.

"Thanks, Iida" George smiled and hugged her. The two friends cuddled up on the couch and watched movies for the rest of the night.

Iida left to go to her apartment and George decided to go get a shower and sleep.

In the morning George did his daily routine with the pups and dropped them off at school. He then went back to the house to get ready to meet up with Clay.

Should I wear something formal? Would he be okay if I wore a hoodie and joggers? What the fuck am I thinking! This is not a fucking date! Ugh! Focus George!

George picked out a cute outfit. He was wearing a dark blue sweatshirt with his old college logo. The sweater was tucked into his ripped black jeans with a brown belt. He got a black backpack to accompany his outfit with a few pieces of jewelry.

Then he headed towards the cafe.

The small bell dinged above him, making George smile to himself at the gentle sound.

When George stepped into the small cafe he was met with a feeling of deja vu. He remembers the first date with Clay, the study sessions with his friends, and the small get-togethers he spent with Niki and Iida.

George looked around the cafe for a familiar blonde but didn't see anyone. He decided he was early so he decided to order some drinks. He ordered a piece of chocolate cake and a raspberry, mango, and lemon tea mix for himself. He then ordered a plain cheesecake with a hot cocoa for Clay.

It was Clay's usual when they still went to this cafe.

George then walked towards his favorite booth and sat down waiting for the food and for Clay to arrive. George took out his phone and scrolled through Twitter. A few minutes passed, until the bell rang again and George noticed someone was making their way towards him.

The man-Clay. Was wearing a gray sweater and a furry jacket paired with black jeans. His hair was messy and he looked out of breath, his cheeks having a small red tint to them.

"I-I'm sorry that I'm late. I missed the bus and had to run here." Clay explained quickly.

George nodded "No worries, I didn't even wait for that long anyway." George explained shortly.

Clay sighed and walked to the other side of the booth and sat down opposite George, taking off his jacket.

"I ordered already, if that's okay?" George spoke and like a miracle, the shopkeeper bought George's order.

George grabbed his cake and tea mix while Clay stared at his own order. George winced.

"oh..uhh-I'm sorry? If you don't like it then we can order something else-" George didn't get to finish his sentence when Clay spoke.

"You remembered?"

George raised his eyebrow, "What?"

"You remembered my order, my favorite order" Clay said while looking at George with wide eyes.

"oh..yeah, I guess I did" George said and took the fork to take a bite out of the cake.

The two were silent for a while, not knowing what to say or where to start.

George grew frustrated.



Both of them started at the same time. The two locked eyes and bursted out laughing. "Sorry-Sorry! You go first!" Clay said while trying to contain his giggles.

"No-no! I insist!" George spoke and wiped a tear from his eye.

"Okay-Okay" Clay smiled and looked down. His smile fell a little but he looked at George when he spoke the next words.

"So..What would you like to know?"

You Left Me! [Dnf] {All My Love AU}Where stories live. Discover now