Chapter II - Thicker Than Water

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The first thing that Takemichi saw, prior to the time leap that had been triggered by his handshake with Naoto, were bowling pins that got knocked down after colliding with the ball. It took him a few seconds to then realize that he was in a bowling alley, holding an eccentric pose after swinging down the bowling ball.

"Strike!" Behind him sits Hinata, who smiles ever so innocently.

Takemichi blinks. "Huh?" He wears a stunned look for that one second. 'Bowling?'

Hinata claps her hands with Takemichi's. "That was awesome, Takemichi-kun! You got a turkey!"

Takemichi stammers. "Uh..yeah." Seeing Hinata smile was unsettling for him, considering what happened in the future. 'After...' He avoids eye contact from the pink haired girl. 'Coming from such an awful present timeline...seeing Hina's smile is just...' He keeps himself from crying by pinching the bridge of his nose, turning his back at his girlfriend.

"What's wrong?" Hinata asks, clueless.

"Nothin' at all." Takemichi lies with closed eyes.

"The hell are you getting all emotional for?" Takemichi's breath hitches at the familiar voice. His eyes dilate at the source, taken aback by the appearance of his beloved childhood friend, (Y/n). "Takemichi?" The girl remains at her seat, sending him a confused expression.

The tears reappear in Takemichi's eyes. '(Y/n)...' He purses his lips, trying his hardest to not fall into an emotional breakdown then and there.

Hinata had yet to take her turn, worried for her boyfriend. "Takemichi-kun?" She cocks her head to the side.

(Y/n)'s eyes widen at the sight of her friend crying, depicting the reason why on the spot. Instinctively, she darts up from her seat and goes up to Takemichi. She looks over his shoulders so that he can say to Hinata. "Looks like it's just allergies." She makes up a lie. "I'll take him aside for a bit and escort him to the bathroom."

Hinata's mouth opens slightly. "Oh–" She takes a step forward. "Then, I'll go with you two."

"It's fine, it's fine!" (Y/n) strains a smile. "It's nothing serious! So just stay here and save our spot! We can't afford to lose it, can we?!" She gives Hinata a wink and a thumbs up. "You can leave your boyfriend to me. I'll protect him."

Hinata smiled right back, convinced. "All right. Just make sure you don't take long–" Before she can even finish, (Y/n) had already dragged Takemichi away.

The farthest area among the bowling alley was the food court, so that's where (Y/n) takes Takemichi to converse privately. The two sit at the corner of the dining hall, across from one another.

"Sorry..." Takemichi apologizes in advance, head lowered. "I know you probably didn't expect me to suddenly...time-leap back like this."

(Y/n) shakes her head. "No, you don't have to worry about that." She leans against her chair. "You came back. I'm glad." A gasp escapes Takemichi's lips. "Kind of felt a bit lonely, you know?" (Y/n) says jokingly, exchanging a genuine smile at the time leaper.

A faint blush colors Takemichi's cheeks, happiness present on his face. "Yeah.." He nods timidly. "Likewise."

(Y/n) hums, and crosses her arms on the table. "But as much as I'd like to hear about the future, it isn't exactly logical to do so right now, since Hinata's with us; She'd probably get suspicious." She lifts a finger. "So what we'll do is wait until this little date of yours is over."

Takemichi nods firmly. "Sounds like a plan." A question then came to him. "But...that does raise the question, though." (Y/n) raises an eyebrow. "Why exactly are you here with us, (Y/n)?"

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