Chapter XXI - Until Next Time

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[One Week Later]

All of Toman gather in the main room of the Sano Estate, each of them giving their respects to the late Emma Sano. For the entire time, a devastating silence whelms the atmosphere, no words exchanged for the sake of a proper farewell.

Even on Emma's funeral, Mikey held his head high. Surely, he was still grieving over the death of his beloved sister, but he couldn't afford to make himself look so vulnerable to his friends, nor to his grandfather. He was better than that.

(Y/n) watches from the crowd, her eyes softened at the stern look that plasters Mikey's face. She knows perfectly well how it feels to lose a sibling, and she's still ached from the guilt and sorrow that came from it; so to see Mikey putting up a brave face saddened her.

Chifuyu is next to her, reading off the pain that he notices that she's trying to contain. For the sake of her, he puts a hand on top of her healed arm. (Y/n) doesn't react in any way and simply closes her eyes, lowering her head to continue grieving.

Once Draken prayed for the late Emma, he sits in front of Mikey and his grandfather. He talks to the elderly man directly when he reveals. "I loved Emma." He talks in a voice of sincerity as he bows. "I am very sorry. I couldn't protect her."

These words worsen the pain that whelms deep within (Y/n)'s heart. She had thought she had made progress with accepting Emma's death, but it appears as though that's not the case. Next thing she knew, tears were escaping her eyes, her vulnerability ever so obvious to the public.

Mikey's grandfather doesn't say anything until a minute after Draken says this. "I see..." He processes. "You'd taken a liking towards her..." All that Mikey could do stay quiet. "I'm sure she is resting well." The elderly man says genuinely, pleased to have learned that his granddaughter was loved by many, not just Draken.

Draken tries his hardest not to try, and fails misreably. In all his life, he hasn't felt this much pain. The stab wound he had received during the battle of 8/3 didn't even come close to the suffering he had endure at this very moment. And the fact that he can't do anything to change that is what sucks the most.

Everyone else among the room were struggling to hold in their tears, too. Seeing Draken so helpless was probably the trigger, but a fit of sobs was to be anticipated in a funeral like this.

In the murder of Emma Sano and Izana Kurokawa, prime offender Kisaki and accomplice Hanma Shuji are deemed guilty. Kisaki is proclaimed dead, and Hanma continues to live as a fugitive.


[The Next Day]

(Y/n), Chifuyu, and Takemichi visit the Shibuya cemetery the morning of. They wander around the area until they reach to the (L/n) family tombstone. Each of them feel rather awkward, not saying anything when they look at the tombstone that stands before them.

"Your grandparents didn't want to hold a funeral for him?" Takemichi questions, somewhat confused.

(Y/n) hesitates, her eyes kept on the tombstone. "Our family finds it rather tedious to do that. They asked be beforehand if I was okay with that, and I obliged either way." She pauses. "Satoko doesn't even like funerals himself. From what my grandma has told me, he despised every minute of being at mom's funeral..." She crouches down so that she put can the bouquet of flowers on the base of the tombstone.

"We don't even have anyone else among the family that'd come be either. So holding a small funeral would be somewhat pointless...." (Y/n) inputs. "There wouldn't be much people to grieve for Satoko at all." She sits on the knees.

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