Chapter XIV - Make An Exception

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[The Next Day]

"You're going out again?" (Y/n)'s grandma scowls at her from across the dining table. "Come on, give yourself a break and relax here once in a while. We never get to spend as much time as we use to, (Y/n)." She gazes down at the bowl of rice she is holding.

(Y/n) proceeds to chew on the toast she holds with one hand. "Sorry, but I can't bail on my friends. It's something serious."

"Honestly..." (Y/n)'s grandma sighs in defeat. "--...moments like these makes me wish that things stayed the same..."

"Let her be." The grandma's elderly spouse chuckles, amused. "She's just helping out her friends. The fact alone that she has them should already put us at ease." (Y/n) sends her grandpa a small smile, pleased by his approval.

"He's right, grandma." Satoko focuses his gaze on his breakfast, eating with content. "(Y/n)'s not hanging out with bad people or anything. So we shouldn't guilt-trip her on the fact that she's spending a little more with them than us."

(Y/n)'s grandma smiles, shaking her head. "I will never understand this generation of teenagers." She points at the younger girl with her eating utensil. "But you're lucky I'm willing to make exceptions. But specifically for that boyfriend of yours. That Matsuno boy."

(Y/n) wears a sheepish look. "Grandma...isn't that being...?"

"--...a little bias?" Satoko reacts the same way.

"So what? I'm not ashamed of it." (Y/n)'s grandma shrugs. "I don't even know your other friends, so it's fair on my part."

'In what way?' Satoko and (Y/n) thought at the same time.

(Y/n) neglects the later conversations that her family would hold during breakfast, contemplating on the phone call she had received earlier. 'According to Takemichi, I didn't participate in the fight between Tenjiku and Toman. Why?' She stares at the remains of her food. 'My future self replied that it was something in the lines of a sudden occurrence. Question is, what exactly? Could it have something to do with the admins?' Her eyes narrow. 'Maybe even my family?'

'If either one were the case, what do I do to prevent it?' (Y/n) knits her eyebrows together, fists forming onto the edge of the dining table. '--...I wouldn't even know where to start...and neither does Takemichi or Chifuyu' She purses her lips. 'We still have a lot to discover about Tenjiku and the S62 generation. Specifically Izana Kurokawa...! He's the piece to all of this! Not just Kisaki!'

(Y/n)'s grandma finishes her meal, dismissing herself. "I'll go ahead and clean the plates." She collects the empty plates from (Y/n)'s grandpa and Satoko, stacking them on top of one another as she holds them all with ease.

"I'll help." (Y/n)'s grandpa follows her into the kitchen, leaving (Y/n) and Satoko alone within the dining table.

Satoko notices the troubled look on (Y/n)'s face. "What's wrong?"

(Y/n) snaps out of thought. "Oh, it's nothing." She shoves another mouthful of her food to avoid conversation. "Just thinking."

Satoko's eyes softens at how obvious his little sister was being. "Are things really looking bad for Toman right now?"

(Y/n) hesitates, not wanting to lie to her brother. "Yeah..." She pushes aside the plate that held the last bits of her breakfast, refusing to eat anymore. "Two days ago, some of our admins got hurt. Including Takemichi." She rests her face on her cheek. "And it's all because of this manipulative bastard that just...wants power for some reason." She crosses her arms over her chest and leans back against the chair. "He's manipulated Tenjiku's commander, to his own liking. And god knows what the hell he plans on doing as well..." She emphasizes her point by making hand gestures. "What makes matters worse is that he's got a whole ass gang of dirty-ass delinquents! And that doesn't even cover the severe amount of manpower they have! It's insane!"

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