Chapter VIII - Strive Together

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Persistent on demolishing the girl in front of him, Taiju raises his leg repetitively, anticipating that the more times that he hits it against (Y/n) folded arm, the more likely it'd be that she give in. But there's little to no luck, given how (Y/n) had stayed firmed at her spot, continuing to use her arm to cancel out the force of kicks.

A vein mark stretches out on Taiju's forehead, his irritation slowly getting the better of him. "Stop mocking me!" The next time that he swings in a leg, (Y/n) grabs onto the ankle, halting his movements then and there.

"Fine." Was all (Y/n) mumbles, right before she aims a kick of her own, propelling Taiju to the sidelines after she had landed it across the face. 

Taiju's weight pushes some of the church pews, but his back collides with the wall behind him, to which he uses to lean against. He pants at a consistent pace, in disbelief. He blinks when he sees (Y/n) walking towards him, haunted by those emotionless eyes of hers. 

"That vulnerability that you're undergoing right now...." (Y/n)'s eyes narrow. "--is no different from how your siblings feel whenever you do the same thing." She keeps a feet of distance between her and Taiju. "If you can't even fulfill the role of a big brother..." She cocks her head to the side. "Just what good are you for?"

Taiju's breath hitches at this question. But makes the decision to neglect it a second prior, and argue. "Shut up!" He returns to his original height. "You have little to no knowledge about the Shiba Family. Stop butting your nose where they shouldn't be."

(Y/n) hesitates. "I see." Her face shadows in intimidation. "Then..." Her threatening glare creates a tense atmosphere between her and Taiju. " do you wanna die?" It was like her subconscious was talking, her sanity now gone at this point, and her attention only on Taiju.

Suddenly comes in Chifuyu, inflicting a loud slap on (Y/n)'s right cheek when he draws close to her. 

(Y/n) snaps out of her haze in only a mere minute, due to the strong collision of Chifuyu's hand. She loses her balance and falls on her butt, dumbfounded. She follows her gaze to the source of the slap. "Chifuyu..." Before she can even process what had happened, Chifuyu carries her away, resting her upper body over one of his shoulders so that he retreat from Taiju.

Mitsuya had watched this from afar. "Chifuyu did it." He and Hakkai were now in Taiju's view. 

"It's been a while...since we teamed up!" Mitsuya remarks to Hakkai, accompanying him on the upcoming fight.

Taiju spots the two, but is more focused on Hakkai. "Hm? Hakkai?" Hakkai fights through his fear, standing his ground against his older brother. "Don't tell're actually trying to stand against me?!" The thought of it angered him, as seen on his face. 

Hakkai stiffens, about to have second thoughts, but Mitsuya comes in clutch, patting a hand on his back.

"Hakkai, we've got this." Mitsuya assures to him. "You're stronger than Taiju!"

Meanwhile, Chifuyu had taken (Y/n) to the very back of the room, where Yuzuha remains resting. "Sorry." He apologizes in advance, helping her lean against a church pew. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I just'd help you come to your senses much quicker..."

(Y/n) places a hand on the same spot Chifuyu had slapped. " don't need to apologize. I was probably being irrational with my fighting again." Her eyes softens. "I've gone and made you and the others worry again because of it. I'm the one who should apologize."

Chifuyu lowers his head, traveling his eyes to the floor. "You don't need to apologize either. You were just mad that a friend got hurt." He pauses. "I was pretty mad, too. And so was Takemitchy. So...both of us understand." 

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