Chapter X - You Have My Word

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"The first meeting of the year!" Draken announces to all of Toman, who all stand below the short staircase with pride. "Of all members of the Tokyo Manji Gang will now begin!" He starts the meeting by addressing the Black Dragons.

"Toman and the Black Dragons faced each other in conflict. We originally had a peace agreement, but that failed. It was caused by discord between the brothers Hakkai Shiba, and Taiju Shiba. Toman clashed with the Black Dragons on Christmas, claiming victory after a hard-fought battle."

"Three people here today will discuss this matter with everyone!" Draken concludes. "The first person! Hakkai Shiba, to the front!"

Hakkai obliges, standing near Draken and Mikey so that he can make proper eye contact with everyone among the gang. He hesitates. "It all started with a stupid little lie I told." He stays close to the truth. "To keep that little lie, I dragged my family...I dragged Toman into it." Regret is portrayed on his face. "Then the problem grew bigger..resulting in the conflict between Toman and the Black Dragons. I'm responsible for all of this."

"Everyone." Hakkai holds his hands together, resting it on his back so that he can perform a deep bow of sincerity. "I'm sorry." He expected some sort of disapproval, consisting of overlapping yells with insults and scolding. He had already anticipated for the worst, that being kicked out of Toman for good.

"Don't worry about it, Hakkai!" Mucho is the first to react, sending the vice captain a genuine smile. "What sparks conflict in the first place is always somethin' small, anyway!"

"Besides, we beat the Black Dragons." Smiley proclaims. "So things ended up fine! Right, guys?!" Everyone else agrees with him and Mucho, cheering and motivating Hakkai to move forward, and continue his role as the vice captain of the second division.

"Hakkai!" Mitsuya exclaims from the crowd. "You've still got a place with us as the Tokyo Manji Gang's second division vice captain!" He jerks his head over his shoulders and asks everyone. "You guys cool with that?" In response, the yelling grows louder, and a chanting of Hakkai's name echoes the shrine, bringing several smiles on Takemichi, Chifuyu, (Y/n), Mikey, and Hakkai.

"The battle with the Black Dragons..." Chifuyu recites. "Just saving Hakkai was worth all that trouble, Takemitchy, (L/n)."

Takemichi and (Y/n) reaffirm this claim. "Yeah!"

"Now!" Draken proceeds with the next person to voluntarily speak. "The second person! Inui! To the front!" Takemichi and (Y/n) stiffen at the familiar name, and a silence whelms the atmosphere once the former Vice President of the Black Dragons, Inui, and his comrade, Kokonoi, come into the scene.

"Seishu Inui, from the 11th Generation Black Dragons." Inui says with little emotion in his voice.

"Hajime Kokonoi, from the same gang." Kokonoi gives his usual grin, far from being intimidated by Toman. "The 10th Generation Black Dragons lost to Toman. Our former leader, Taiju Shiba, has retired--We have succeeded the gang as the leaders of the 11th Generation."

Inui then adds. "And, after discussing it with Mikey...we've decided to join under Toman!"

"Huh?!" Takemichi is alarmed by this news.

'Wait, wait, wait!' (Y/n) reacts no differently. 'Isn't that what we WEREN'T trying to do?!' She starts to get worried. 'So then, the future won't change?!'

One would think.

"I assign the Black Dragons to the only girl among Toman." Mikey suddenly says. "In other words, under (Y/n) (L/n)'s command!" A tense atmosphere whelms between Takemichi, (Y/n), and Chifuyu, each of them surprised to hear this.

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