Chapter XI - Last But Not Least

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[Year 2006]

(Y/n) is returning from the library, wearing casual clothing since it was the weekend. She had been studying for the heck of it, seeing as there's nothing else she could've done in her spare time. But during her voyage, it had started to rain; hence the reason why she's holding an umbrella over herself, in hopes to not get wet.

"It's still raining.." (Y/n) sighs in relief. 'And here I thought that going on bike would be okay...' She halts after picking up the sound of a fist colliding with a solid object. "Huh?" She follows her gaze to the source, that being her own childhood friend, Takemichi, who just so happened to be at the playground that she just so happened to be near. "What the hell is he doing?"

Takemichi had been punching the hanging tires for several minutes, putting in all of his strength in every single one. "I won't lose!"

(Y/n) approaches him. "What're you doing?"

Takemichi stiffens at the familiar voice, and faces to where (Y/n) stands, since his back was facing her. "(Y/n)!" He blushes out of embarrassment. "B-But what are you doing here?"

"We live in the same neighborhood, dumbass." (Y/n) irks. "You act like I don't see you practically everyday." She exhales. "More importantly, why the hell are you fighting a wheel?"

"I'm.." Takemichi finds it difficult to talk to her.

"You look like an idiot, talking to yourself. You know that right?"

Takemichi purses his lips, staring (Y/n) down with an enraged look. Without even thinking, he goes up to her and punches her across the face. Doing so causes a small hint of regret, but he refuses to let it get the better of him.

(Y/n) remains standing, her head tilted slightly because of the punch. Her eyes were wide, her face stunned from the sudden attack that her own friend had plotted against her. "Oi." She furrows her eyebrows, her eyes back on Takemichi. "You just punched me."

Takemichi forms his hands into fists, containing his anger. "Sorry...but I promised your future self...that I'd scold you once I time leaped. So..." He musters up the courage to then say. "--that's what I'm doing!"

(Y/n) blinks in realization. "You're the Takemichi from the future." Takemichi continues to gaze at her in resentment, but she just sighs out of disapproval. "Come on, how the hell are you gonna scold at me for my future actions, when I don't even have a clue as to what you're talking about?" She retorts. "Ever considered that?" It was clear that she was annoyed.

"I don't care!" Takemichi shakes his head. "I'm mad at you! Because of what you did in the future, you made Mikey-kun and Chifuyu suffer!" A small gasp escapes (Y/n)'s lip, taken aback by the cold words. "And it makes me mad when I keep on thinking about it!" The time leaper lets out a battle cry and throws in all of his weight when he thrusts in a fist.

(Y/n) moves to the side, evading the punch. As a result, Takemichi loses his balance and falls on his stomach and face. "What do you mean by that?" She questions to him. "I hurt Mikey and Chifuyu in the future?"

"Shut up!" Takemichi gets right back up, closing in on (Y/n) so that he can make another attempt in fighting her. He swings in another arm, to which he misses yet again. He alternates with his opposite, in anticipation that he'd succeeded in giving her discipline. But every time he tries, he just makes himself look like a fool.

"Just tell me why you're mad." (Y/n) grabs onto the wrist of his extended arm, using her free hand. "I can't help you if you don't tell me what happened, Takemichi." She makes sure she's talking to him at an eye-to-eye level.

Takemichi's eyes softens at (Y/n)'s genuine words. He's trying his hardest to be the aggressive one, and fulfill the words that he had told to the girl's future self, but it was starting to become difficult to do so sufficiently.

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