Chapter XII - That Isn't What I Want

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Hopefully I can update more, since I start spring break, but we'll see what happens.

Until then!


At this point, it had been a good week since Takemichi had time leaped, returning to the past that he anticipated to repair. But there hadn't been a fight so severe for him to contribute whatsoever. It was too peaceful for his comfort, as well as it was for Chifuyu and (Y/n).

The three are attempting to entertain themselves at Chifuyu's apartment. Takemichi reads a shounen manga that Chifuyu had lent him, resting on the floor, while (Y/n) strokes on the vice captain's pet cat, Peke J, who is resting on her lap as she does this.

"So...peaceful..." Chifuyu stares out the window, resting one feet on the open sill, and the other on the floor. "Right? Takemitchy, (L/n)."

"Ah? Yeah." Takemichi's eyes are kept on the manga.

"There's one week to become the top in Toman." Chifuyu exhales. "That said, we don't even have a plan now. What should we do..." He gets a bit agitated when he doesn't receive any sort of reply or comment from either (Y/n) or Takemichi. "Are you guys even listening?"

(Y/n) blinks. "Ah, sorry." She chuckles sheepishly, continuing to pet on the sleeping cat. "I got distracted; Peke J's so cute."

Chifuyu irks. "And yet you continue to pet him." For some reason, seeing (Y/n) give an excessive amount of attention to Peke J made him annoyed.

"But, I can't." (Y/n) pouts. "He's too cute."

'To think that she'd be a cat person...' Chifuyu sweat drops.

"Chifuyu. (Y/n)." Takemichi talks in a stern voice. "I have an amazing thought." The two give their attention to him. "I can see it. The top view of the world of delinquents." He makes his way to the only door among the room. "Let's go!"

(Y/n) and Chifuyu react with a dumbfounded look, unsure of whether or not to trust Takemichi. But regardless, they followed him anyway, seeing as though any idea would be appropriate in a scenario like this.


"Shibuya Station?" Chifuyu and (Y/n) continue to walk behind Takemichi, the three of them walking into the main entrance of the train station.

"Wait, Takemitchy!" Chifuyu exclaims. "What do you mean by 'the top of the world of delinquents?'"

"Where exactly are we going?" (Y/n) questions. "Out of town?"

Takemichi side eyes them. "Chifuyu...(Y/n)...even when you own the 'bible,' you don't even notice it?!"

"Bible?" The two have yet to understand his intentions.

"Is there something wrong with your sight?" Takemichi then uses the examples of the mangas he had been recently reading. "'Shounan Junai Gumi,' 'Bukkomi no Taku.' They had taught us...they all took place in Kanagawa!"

And here did (Y/n) and Chifuyu think that Takemichi had a bright idea for once. Goes to show how he really is an idiot at heart.

"Chifuyu! (Y/n)!" Takemichi grins widely. "To become the top in the delinquents world, we just need to take out Yokohama's delinquents!"

(Y/n) wears an unimpressed look. "Are you dumb?"

Chifuyu reacts no differently. "Why ask a question like that? The answer's obvious."

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