Chapter XXII - The Final Handshake

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[One Week Later]

"Are you sure you're ready for this, (Y/n)?" Takemichi portrays a tense look at (Y/n). "Can you handle the pressure of taking such a huge step?" He looks across from the bed that he and (Y/n) sit on, in front of one another.

(Y/n) gazes down at her phone, placed in between her and Takemichi. She gulps thickly, nervous to accomplish what she had intended to do. "Y-Yeah..!" She wears an anxious smile. "It's over the phone, so it should be easy, right?"

"Are you gonna text him, or call him?" Takemichi asks.

"I was...thinking of texting him." (Y/n) says sheepishly.

"Wrong!" Takemichi crosses his arms to form an 'X.' "Because if you do that, you'll being giving him the wrong impression! It's the first date! A big milestone in a relationship! You care about him, don't you?" He leans his head in, to which startles (Y/n).

"O-Of course.." Beads of sweat rolls down (Y/n)'s face.

"Then texting him is OUT of the table!" Takemichi insists. "You CANNOT take any chances!"

"So I'd have to call him.." (Y/n) blushes at the several scenarios that were playing in her head, her anxiety slowly increasing. "But, how would I ask him out, without sounding weird or aggressive...?"

"Just say, Let's go out on our first date!" Takemichi replies with ease.

"You sure?" (Y/n) wasn't convinced. "Because that kind of sounds a bit...assertive...the last thing I want is to push him into something he's not comfortable with. We've only been dating for three weeks..." She deadpans.

Takemichi takes this into account. "Good point. It's about asking your significant other to dinner. Not forcing them." He gives it a more deeper thought. "Then..." He comes up with a different suggestion, lifting up a finger. "--how about, Do you wanna go out on our first date?"

Despite how common this phrase was to most, neither of the two seemed to like it.

"It kind of sounds cliche..." (Y/n) confesses. "And I don't wanna come off as being different, just because he's my boyfriend...sure, he'll have his privileges, but that'd would be..overdoing it, in some regards..."

Takemichi agrees. "Yeah, I can't exactly imagine you saying it..." He scratches a hand into his curly blonde hair. "Hmm..." The two continue to think of more options. "You could go for something original, like, Would you like it if I took you out for our first date?"

"That...actually doesn't sound bad. Maybe I'll go with that." (Y/n) smiles at the phrase, but it falters. "But, what if he says 'No'?"

Takemichi squints his eyes at (Y/n). "You're a couple now, (Y/n). Why the hell would he say, 'No'?"

"I don't know, I'm just thinking ahead here!" (Y/n) barks. "I'm being paranoid, okay?! I've never been on a date with someone! I'm nervous!"

"You really haven't been a single date?" Takemichi tries not to laugh. "But you're beloved by everyone at the middle school. You get chocolates and confession letter everyday."

"And I rejected every single one of them!" (Y/n) scowls.

"Naturally." Takemichi snickers.

(Y/n) irks, forming a fist with her free hand. "Oi. At least I am beloved by my peers. What exactly do you have, besides your girlfriend, huh?"

Takemichi shakes his head. "But, who would've thought you get this nervous in asking a boy out on a date? You can handle several delinquents, yet when it comes to romance, you're hopeless." (Y/n)'s blush turns darker, not reaffirming nor denying his statement. "I've never seen you so bashful. It's ironic, makes me happy." (Y/n) steals a glance at the time leaper. "I got worried about how you'd be after the Kanto Incident, but seeing how much of an effort you're putting to move puts me at ease." He gives her a closed eye grin that reinforces his genuine kindness.

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