Chapter XV - The Root Of All Evil

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A/n - I'm just saying, I could really go for some blind reaction videos or pictures from you guys for this particular chapter. I don't know, kind of interested on your thoughts for this one.

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You would think that (Y/n), one of Toman's strongest, would succeed. But keep in mind that her arms were still taped together, putting her in a great disadvantage when she provoked Mucho. So, that alone should explain why she was resting on the piles of trash, near the abandoned warehouse that she had been dragged out of, along with Inui.

(Y/n) was frustrated that the inevitable happened, whereas Kokonoi had obliged to Mucho's command in the end. "Fuck..." She glances over at where Inui sat within the corner. "Are you okay, Inui?"

Inui keeps his head slumped down, exhausted. "Yeah..." He says rather quietly. "But...I can't move at all..."

(Y/n) hums, understanding his circumstances on the spot. "Don't worry." She waddles down the pile of trash, her feet meeting the ground. "I'll get you free." She manages to grab a tight hold on the rope that was tied from the back, fidgeting with her fingers on it as she tries to tug it out of her custody. "Just bare with me."

Right after (Y/n) frees herself from the rope, she helps Inui too. Right after, she carries him on her back, intending on escorting him to the hospital. "You don't have any major injuries, right? Nothing broken?" She asks her subordinate.

"No. Just minor injuries..." Inui answers truthfully.

"That's a relief." (Y/n) keeps her eyes at her front view.

Inui then says. "(L/n)...I'm sorry." Regret can be heard in his voice. "I couldn't do anything...I couldn't protect Koko."

"It doesn't matter whether or not you made a contribution." (Y/n) assures, without making eye contact. "Because Kokonoi won't get hurt regardless. He's an asset, right? In regards to recreating the Brutal Generation." She pauses. "The fact alone that you guys defended me...puts me at ease, for some reason. I don't why, but...I just can't ignore that. I'm grateful for you both. Truly."

"So...I guess that makes you guys my friends." Inui's eyes dart wide at (Y/n)'s proclamation. "Ironic, given our history together, but I'm willing to put that aside. At least this one time." She had only said this to lighten the mood.

"Anyways, I won't let Tenjiku keep Kokonoi." (Y/n) vows. "I'll do whatever it takes to get him back. That's why I ask you to rely on me to do the rest, Inui."

Inui hesitates. "How are you gonna him back...?"

"No idea. But, I'll think more on it as we go along." (Y/n) jerks her head at the laughter that comes out of Inui's mouth. "Hey, are you laughing? Why? You think I'm joking?" She irks. "I'm serious, you know! I meant what I said!"

Inui keeps a smile on his face as he requests. "Put me down, (L/n)."

"Eh? Are you already seeing the light at the end of the tunnel? Seriously? But you said you didn't have any major injuries!"

"And I don't. Just put me down." (Y/n) obliges, making sure Inui stands on his feet as she slowly assists him down. "Come with me." Inui walks in front of his commander, leading her down a route that he's taken more than once.

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