1 - Enemies?

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"Did you find any information about him?" Kwan, Y/N's fellow secret agent, asked as he looked up from his laptop.

"No." Y/N sighed and ran her fingers through her red hair. "It's like he's invisible, we can't spot him on any CCTV. I admit it, he's so fucking good at not getting caught."

"It's impossible for him to stay hidden forever. We know it's a man, we'll catch him for sure." Mark said, almost confident. He knew very well that the one they were dealing with was crazy. If it weren't for the old woman that accidentally saw him jumping from her rooftop, they wouldn't even know if it was a woman or a man.

But he's a man, a very dangerous one.

"Somehow, he knows all our tricks," Ujin muttered as he fixed his glasses. He was the brain of the group. "He knows the way we take action."

"How would he know?" Kwan frowned.

"Right..." Y/N raised an eyebrow as she turned her chair and stared at them. "It's only us four who know about our strategies."

"Mr. Kang knows too," Chul said but Y/N shook her head.

"He's our boss, he cannot be a suspect."

"Don't tell me that you suspect us?" Mark folded his arms and stared at you with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want to, but I have to." She shrugged. "It's only me and you guys. We can't suspect me because I'm Mr. Kang's right hand, so it's only you-"

"No," Kwan frowned. "It's not just us."


"Sunghoon," He said and Y/N almost froze. "Park Sunghoon was one of us, too."

Realization hit them like a truck. How didn't they think about him before?

"Mr. Kang kicked him out. I'm sure it's him, he knows everything about us." Mark muttered, his eyes widening. "Ujin was the one receiving the death threat earlier this week. He was also the one Sunghoon attacked and the reason why he got kicked out."

"It all makes sense," Ujin scoffed. "We have to find him."

"No shit, Sherlock." Mark rolled his eyes. "May I ask how?"

"Y/N, you were close to him. Do you know anything?" Kwan turned to look at Y/N and she just gulped. Avoiding looking him in the eyes, she shook her head.

"Sunghoon didn't say much about him, then he had to leave so..." She said and they all sighed, but Ujin kept staring at her with a raised eyebrow. Something was off, and perhaps that's why after some time he was pinning Y/N to the wall in an empty corridor.

"Y/N..." He whispered, staring into her eyes. "Don't suspect us again, especially me. It hurts to know that you might not trust me."

"It's not like that, Ujin. You know how it is." She sighed and was about to push him and walk away when he grabbed her hand and turned her to him.

"You have to trust me, Y/N-"

"I do trust you." She nodded. "Sunghoon got kicked out because I trust you."

With that, Y/N walked away and Ujin just stared at her back until she was out of sight. And a smirk found its way to his lips. "Good, I hope it stays that way." He muttered and walked away.

Y/N, on the other hand, headed out of the place after she grabbed her bag and black jacket. She didn't even know why she was heading there, she wasn't supposed to go there. But she had to know if what was going on was indeed his doing, and so she turned off her tracking device as she sighed.

Slowly walking inside that darn hideout, she loaded her gun and took slow steps until she stepped into the main room where some guys were working. Everyone was staring at their screens when one of them spotted her and his eyes widened.

"Take it and I'll shoot you dead right now," Y/N said when the guy was about to grab the gun near him and he froze.

"How did you get h-?"

"Park Sunghoon, where is he?" She asked, pointing her gun at the one talking to her.

"I'm here." The familiar voice made Y/N point her gun at the entrance as the others pointed their guns at her, but their boss shook his head. "Put your guns down right now."

Y/N stared at them as they looked confused for a moment before they put away their guns. She was as confused as them, what was he up to?

"It's been a while." He stared right into her eyes as he stepped closer to her.

"Don't come near me." She muttered coldly. "I'll kill you, Park."

"What happened to Hoon, my love, darling-" He spoke but she put her gun right on his head, making him stop talking right then.

"You're a traitor." Speaking through gritted teeth, she glared at him. She hated him, but she hated the fact that he still made her heart beat faster. "You fucking betrayed us all, so shut the fuck up."

"Do you believe that?" He raised an eyebrow as he kept staring at her. "Do you really think I would kill someone?"

"You killed him, Sunghoon. You fucking killed that kid, even Ujin saw you-"

"You believe Ujin?" He asked, eyes almost sad before he scoffed. "You do."

"You were in the CCTV for fuck's sake!" Y/N started raising her voice as she pushed him.

"It wasn't me-"

"I saw the bracelet I gave you! I saw it!" Y/N pinned him to the wall, glaring at him. "You're the only one who has it-"

"I still do," Sunghoon muttered as he raised his arm to show her the bracelet she gave him several months ago when they were dating. "I still have it."

"It was you." She whispered, her eyes almost welling up with tears. Letting go of his collar, she put down her gun and stared at him in disbelief. Without saying anything, Y/N was about to walk away when he grabbed her arm and turned her to him.

"Am I the villain in your story, Y/N?" He asked, his eyes desperate. He was hoping for a 'no' but her response made his heart drop.

"You're a murderer. You killed an innocent child... you are a villain. Even now you're still messing with the agents and they've been looking for you."


"I don't even know why I came here, stop showing up in my life, Sunghoon." She said and walked away, leaving him standing there with a heavy heart. He didn't understand what she was talking about nor what was going on, but her words broke him.

"Yeah...?" He closed his eyes and walked out of the place, leaving the confused guys without any answers to their unasked questions.

"Fine, make me your villain."

✓ VILLAIN TO LOVE | SUNGHOONWhere stories live. Discover now