22 - Heartless

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"I can see them." Y/N heard Sunoo's voice through the ear device and loaded her gun. They were planning on destroying Bora's factories where they held their secret meeting and planned their missions, aka murders. But if it meant avenging Mr. Kang, Y/N was willing to kill every single one of them and make them regret ever planning his death.

"How many?" They could be hundreds for all she cared about, but she wanted to know how many bullets were needed. 

"Roughly about thirty armed men," Sunoo replied. "It's one of Bora's undermen and his men. I can shoot up to five of them before they attack you-"

Sunghoon interrupted him. "No, we'll take them out together. We'll move in from all sides and catch them off guard."

Y/N and the rest nodded in agreement, and the eight of them quickly formulated a plan. They would split up and approach the factory from opposite sides, taking out as many of the men as possible before they could regroup.

"Eyes on Y/N." She could hear Sunghoon say and the moment she looked around, he was already looking at her. "I know you can take them all by yourself but I'm not risking it. I can't risk it."

"Shooting myself suddenly seems so thrilling." She could hear Heeseung say, only to roll her eyes and let out a chuckle. "Now, let's move before I really consider doing it."

It was time. Y/N felt the adrenaline rush through her blood and she wasn't scared, gosh, no. If anyone had to be scared it was Bora and whoever worked for her, because Y/N was so damn willing to let them taste hell before they beg her to kill them. 

The sound of gunshots echoed through the place as the seven of them barged into the place and interrupted the meeting that made Y/N's blood boil. Seven against thirty was such a joke. It was pathetic, really, how they couldn't even handle the seven of them.

"Who the fuck- Oh. The assholes." Yeo Mal Chin, the boss. They could tell from the way he dressed so differently than the rest. Give him a knife coated with attention and he'll lick it even if it means having his tongue cut. Eleven of his men were on the ground and Y/N stood across from him with Sunghoon and the others behind her, all the guns pointed at each other.

"Please, continue enlightening me with your insightful commentary." She smirked, twirling her gun with her finger. "How's Bora and Ujin doing? It's been a while, since Mr. Kang's death, actually."

"Ah," He nodded. "How was the surprise? Ujin and the others were quite smart not to get caught before the end of the plan-"

"Mal Chin, I heard your daughter is in elementary school?" She smirked, cocking her brow. "Her hair is beautiful and she likes teddy bears, right? I gave her one earlier."

"What?" His heart dropped and his eyes went wide when she smiled at him. "I swear to god-"

"God? Your god is not even on your side," Everyone just watched while she shook her head and stepped closer to him. "Wasn't it nice of me? When her daddy was too busy planning murders? Although the bomb will explode soon."

To say they were taken off guard by her words would be an understatement. Even the guys weren't expecting her to be this crazy. Yet, Sunghoon's eyes never left her and he just watched with a smirk almost appearing on his lips.

Mal Chin's body trembled like a leaf as he ran his fingers through his hair and looked at her. "Fuck it, you're fucking insane."

"That's rich coming from you." She shrugged.

"You think you can take us down?" Everyone could see how much he was panicking and satisfaction never felt better. "We're not just some small-time operation, little girl. We're the real deal."

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