24 - Revenge Dress

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"Damn," Jake muttered when Y/N walked inside the room, the emerald dress she wore hugging her curves in all the right places. Sunghoon's glare made him gulp. "I'm looking respectfully." 

She chuckled at his comment as she looked at the others who had their lips parted as if it was the first time they have seen a woman that beautiful. And maybe it was. "What?" She smiled, turning to look at Sunghoon who had his hands stuffed in his pockets while he leaned against the wall. She could feel his gaze on her all the time.

"I'm just admiring the view." He shrugged, the corners of his lips lifting up. "Are you planning on giving us a heart attack?" 

"Oh, shut up." Haru rolled his eyes, playfully punching Sunghoon's arm. "You're not the only one who thinks she looks amazing tonight."

"I know, right? My girlfriend is hot." Holding her hand, he pulled her to him, his hand protectively resting on her waist as he raised an eyebrow at Haru. "She will turn heads tonight."

"Literally." Heeseung nodded, the smirk never leaving his face. "Tonight is going to be an iconic one. Haru, I hope you're ready." 

"More than ever." He opened his suit to show his gun hidden inside and Y/N's eyes widened before she showed them the pockets in her dress and what she had inside of them, making them gasp and then laugh their asses off. "You're too fucking fearless, Y/N."

"That sounds about right." She smiled, her smile somewhere between a threat and a tease. 

"Looks like we're all set then." Sunghoon grinned, pulling Y/N closer to him. "Let's make sure tonight goes according to plan." She nodded, holding his hand while they made their way to the cars. She really couldn't wait to see the plan unfold. 

"What?" Haru muttered, confused, when Sunghoon stopped him from getting inside the car. The look on his face wasn't pleasant.

"Say that again about Y/N and watch me knock your teeth out. Don't get distracted by her or you'll die tonight." He chuckled, making Haru gasp.

"How can you say that?" He scoffed, but then he couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm looking out for you, you know?" Sunghoon smiled, the sarcasm dripping from his words. "You know I care about you."

Haru shook his head, unable to hold back his laughter. "Yeah, you sure do." He got into the car, settling into his seat as Y/N and Sunghoon joined him. "So, we're going to go in there, grab the target, and get out as quickly as possible?"

"No." She shook her head, staring at the mirror in her hand while fixing her makeup. "We should have some fun as well." 

"Y/N." Haru called, shaking his head in disbelief.

"What? It's a masquerade!" She laughed and Heeseung turned to her from the front seat, clapping and nodding. "Ethan gets it." 

"And the ones that don't, don't." Heeseung continued, making Sunghoon and Haru look at each other in disbelief. They were just hoping for everything to go well so that the smile never leaves Y/N's eyes.

Upon arriving at the place, Haru helped her out of the car while the others stayed inside. "Stay safe, strawberry." Sunghoon held her hand, turning her to look at him. Their eyes locked for a moment before she nodded, slightly leaning in to kiss the corner of his lips.

"I will." She smiled.

"Haru," Heeseung called from the front seat, making Haru look at him in confusion. "Stay safe."

Haru snorted, rolling his eyes playfully before following Y/N into the venue. As they entered, the loud music and flashing lights filled the air. Y/N couldn't help but feel excited as she looked around at the masquerade masks and costumes, taking it all in while everyone's eyes were on her.

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