29 - Safe & Sound

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Y/N stared at everyone as they barged inside the room, their eyes red and puffy and full of tears. She never thought that a day would come when she'd get to see them cry, and honestly, she didn't want it to come.

"Y/N!" Sunoo ran to her, his head resting on her lap as she uncomfortably shifted in her place. The wound still hurt like hell, but the pain was a sign that she was alive. A sign that she was there and she didn't leave anyone behind. 

She gently placed her hand on Sunoo's head, trying her best to comfort him despite her own pain. She could feel the weight of the world on her shoulders, the burden of their pain and sorrow. There they stood, their faces etched with worry and despair.

Jungwon who normally was cold and distant had tears streaming down his face. Niki who joked all the time clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white as he tried to stop himself from crying. The others who were full of energy and laughter stood silently with somber expressions, their eyes glistening with unshed tears.

Her heart ached as she took in the sight of their anguish. She never wanted to be the cause of their suffering, but everything had led them all to this moment of heartbreak. The events that had unfolded had left scars on their souls, wounds that would take time to heal, if they ever could.

"Guys..." Y/N's voice quivered, her voice trailing off as tears welled up in her eyes once again, threatening to spill over. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" Jungwon slightly raised his voice, putting his hands over his face. "We're sad because we care about you! We spent so much time together, you think we'd just a-abandon you now?" 

Jay held him, his hand gently caressing Jungwon's back to try and calm him down. "We were so worried. I'm glad you're still here with us, Y/N."

She smiled, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. "Thank you." Rather than being guilty, she decided to be thankful. Heeseung and Jake stepped closer to her before Heeseung carefully wrapped his arms around her. 

"I was concerned," He muttered. "Who would translate what Niki says if you're not here?"

Her smile widened as she leaned into Heeseung's embrace, feeling the warmth and comfort he offered. Jake joined in, enveloping both Y/N and Heeseung in a group hug. 

Niki, who had been silently observing the exchange, stepped forward with a mischievous grin on his face. "Yeah, who else is going to laugh at my terrible Korean and translate my jokes for them? You're stuck with us, Y/N."

Tears of pain and despair turned into tears of happiness and all that ugly sadness turned into a beautiful hope. The pieces of their hearts that had shattered were slowly coming together at the sound of her soft chuckles and bright eyes. 

"We saved Haru, right?" She asked and Sunghoon nodded, smiling bitterly as he approached her. He could never be jealous of Haru any more. Y/N loved her friend in a way, but the way she loved Sunghoon would never be the same. He knew it very well and it warmed his heart and sometimes broke it but it was all worth it. She was the woman he loved. The only woman he could love.

They saved Haru, but they also saved each other. 

"What about... him?" The words hesitantly came out of her mouth as she tried her best not to shiver at the thought of him. All she remembered was the stabbing him, and the agonizing pain of the bullet piercing her skin when he shot her, but it left a huge void in her heart that might never be full again. 

Y/N was never afraid of death, yet when she knew she'd be leaving them behind if she was ever gone, the fear gripped her tightly.

The room fell into a heavy silence, memories of the painful events casting a shadow over their newfound hope. But instead of shying away from the topic, Sunghoon he's her trembling hand in his before his words hit her hard. "He's dead."

She didn't know how to feel. There was relief, there was grief, but there was also a lingering emptiness.

"Dead," She repeated, her voice barely above a whisper. It was a simple word, but it held so much liberation. The man who had caused so much chaos and destruction, the one who had torn their lives apart, was finally gone.

"Yes." His fingers brushes the strands of red hair that fell on her forehead. "Bora is arrested. Kwan and Mark fled the country and whoever that was once a potential harm would never be able to be near you. You're safe, strawberry." 

Y/N's breath hitched at the mention of the names, and memories of the past flooding. Kwan, Mark—the individuals who had been part of her life and nightmare, who had inflicted pain and suffering upon her and made her hate herself for blindly trusting them. Their betrayal had left scars that ran deep, wounds that still throbbed inside of her. 

 But the word 'safe' made all those thoughts vanish away because she knew that Sunghoon would do anything to keep her that way. A fragile smile tugged at the corners of her lips. 

 And before they knew it, the door swung open, revealing Haru as he stood there while holding the portable IV stand in his hand. Y/N's smile faded and her eyes started glistening again, welling up with tears that threatened to spill over her cheeks. 

 "Y/N..." He let out a breath, the light in her eyes lighting the darkness in his heart. Then the next thing Y/N knew was him running to her, gently holding her in his arms as she put her head in the crook of his neck. "Y/N... why did you-"

"I'm glad you're safe." Her voice was muffled but gosh, he could hear it so well it went through his chest, warming his heart in ways words couldn't describe.

His own voice caught in his throat, momentarily unable to form words while he held her tighter as if he could shield her from any lingering pain. Yet his embrace spoke volumes, from gratitude to his unconditional love and the depth of his care for her. 

"I'm glad you're safe too, Y/N," He managed to whisper as he pulled away, not letting go of her. "You've been through so much, and I wish I could have protected you from it all."

"No." She shook her head gently, a small, sad smile playing on her lips. "I'm just happy we're all still here." 

Sunghoon, standing nearby, watched their interaction with a soft smile. Being able to stare at Y/N as she smiled was a blessing he didn't think he was going to get. He looked back at the others, some of them embracing each other, some shedding tears, some finally happy. Time seemed to blur and before he knew it, he was left alone with Y/N. 

She held his hand and smiled at him, her gaze locked on his. "Why do you look more handsome than usual?" 

He couldn't help but chuckle and the sound of her laughter washed away the remnants of worry that had lingered in his mind. "Because when I see you smile, it's like the whole world becomes brighter." 

"No, look at me. I'm tragic." She smiled bitterly, sighing as she brought his hand closer to her cheek. 

Sunghoon's smile softened, his eyes filled with tenderness as he gently cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. "You're not tragic, Y/N. Tragic isn't beautiful, tragic isn't strong and stoic. Tragic is ugly, it's bloody and lost and miserable. And that's not you. You're beautiful and strong, but you're not tragic."

"You're the best, Sunghoon. Better than any star in the sky." She was sleepy-rambling now, mind muddied as she started to drift away. She'd been through a lot and she had little energy left. "I should start making wishes on you."

"And what do you wish for, strawberry?" He stroked her hair, silently watching as she stared at him, struggling to stay awake. 

"Happiness. For all of us." Her eyes fluttered close, and she fell asleep. He stared at her for a moment before lightly pressing his lips to her forehead. He rested his head on the bed next to her and closed his eyes, the silence and the dimly lit room feeling like a warm blanket over them.

It was nice to be together, so they could grow over all the things they were before. He never regretted fighting for her. Even if it meant he was the villain. 

Because, at the end of it all, he was her villain to love. 

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