4 - Worst In Me

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"What the fuck is wrong with him?" 

Pacing back and forth in her small apartment, Y/N sighed in frustration as she let her fingers through her hair. She didn't and couldn't understand what was going on with Sunghoon or why was he so different.

So full of hate.

Her place, the one that used to be filled with their laughter, was now so silent and gray. Some of his things were still there - she couldn't get rid of them. A part of her still wanted to believe him when she knew for a fact that he was indeed the bad guy. 

Staring at the pieces of her ear device that Sunghoon had crashed the other day, she found herself remembering the look he had in his eyes. It was weird because he looked hurt.

Why can't I hate him? She thought as she grabbed her keys and walked out of her place.

She knew the answer of course because she was madly in love with him. However, she couldn't love the villain of the story she she just forced herself to hate him. She fails miserably every time she tells herself that she hates him, though. 

How could Y/N ever hate him? She could seem strong and fierce, but she always shook like a leaf whenever he was around, although she made sure he didn't see it.

Stepping into the building where their hideout was, she wore the same expression she always wears when she's working. Her coworkers barely see her smile, she's always having her usual bitch face whenever she's at work.

Her work did not make her smile, anyways.

"You're back," Ujin muttered, looking from his screen and at Y/N that didn't spare him a glance. "What the fuck happened there?"

The place was silent and it was only him as if he was waiting for her to arrive. Y/N looked at him and he had a look of confusion and curiosity, mixed with some disappointment that she had no idea where it was coming from and why.

"It fell and I stepped on it." She muttered, putting her ear device on her desk as Ujin stood up and made his way towards her.

"That's odd. I mean, it happened yesterday."

"Yeah, so?"

"I don't know," He said, looking down at her as he sat on her desk. But when Y/N wanted to push him away, he grabbed her wrist. "You've been switching it off a lot these days, even at work time. And now you break it?"

"What does it have to do with you?" She muttered with a frown.

"Oh, nothing," Ujin shook his head and smirked before leaning towards her. "I'm just wondering what's this thing you're hiding that you don't want us to know about it." 

"It was an accident." Her fist tightened and she was about to break his nose if he didn't let go of her hand right then, but, good for him, he did.

"I'm just kidding, Y/N," Laughing, he stood up. "I just like seeing you flustered. Remember? I trust you. You also trust me."

"Why does it seem that you're angry and disappointed, though?" Her words made him stop in his track as he was walking out of the office. "Why do you have that look on your face?"

"What look?" He raised an eyebrow and she looked at her screen.

"The look you usually have whenever one of your plans doesn't work." These words made Ujin freeze in his place, but Y/N was too busy to look back at him. Or she just didn't care about him.

"I mean," He started, staring at her for a moment before he turned around to leave. "It didn't."

Y/N was left alone in the office, her fingers running through her red locks as she sighed heaat vily, the sight of an old woman who carried the world on her shoulders. She had a mission and she needed to stop getting distracted. 

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