8 - I Burn For You

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Y/N could spot Mr. Kang as he nodded slightly at her. You're doing a good job.

Min Jun's hand was resting on her side as she rested hers on his shoulder. The room around them was full of people who danced and chatted and tried their best to show off their wealth. And everyone could see that Seong Min Jun, the guy everyone is swooning over, already had a girl in his arms.

If the moon smiled, she would resemble her. She left the same impression; of something beautiful, but mysterious, addicting, and annihilating.

Looking around her, she could see people's gazes glued to her. They were wondering who she was, what her family do, and how she could meet someone like Min Jun. If only they knew, it was all planned. And that's what reminded Y/N not to let her feelings ruin everything. He was a good guy but she was deceiving him from the start, there was no place for feelings.

There were only lies.

Sunghoon knew very well that it was just an act, but he was ready to kill anyone who would lay their hands on Y/N. He should have been the only one to be able to hold her like that because she was too fragile and delicate. People's touch would break her.

As he stared at the two, his attention drifted to the guy behind them. He was standing among the crowd and Sunghoon's eyes widened. He was trouble and Sunghoon wouldn't hesitate to kill him if it meant protecting Y/N.

Ujin was suspicious. He kept looking between Y/N, Min Jun, Mr. Kang, and Mr. Seong who stood a little further. Sunghoon knew he was up to something, and when Ujin started walking away, his frown deepened.

Following him, Sunghoon made sure his presence wasn't known. He needed to get any proof that would make Y/N believe him. It's true he said he didn't care anymore if she didn't believe him, but he still wanted her to believe that he wasn't the bad guy and that she was being deceived.

He just needed to get something, yet he couldn't.

"Park." Ujin's steps came to a halt as he didn't turn around. "You indeed followed me."

"Ujin," Sunghoon called. The name rolled out of his mouth and the memories of them when they were teammates started replaying in front of him. They were friends. Sunghoon had never betrayed him before or even thought of hurting him, yet he didn't hesitate to stab him the moment he turned his back.

"You know your end is coming, right?" Ujin muttered as he turned around and Sunghoon's eyes darkened. He wouldn't have been scared if Y/N wasn't there.

"You're a fucking asshole." He said and pointed his gun at him. "I don't have time for your bullshit, Ujin, you're not welcome here."

"I could say the same about you." Ujin laughed. "I'm here with Mr. Kang and Y/N. I don't have to hide and pretend I'm someone I'm not. You're wearing a nice suit but that doesn't change the fact that you're a murderer."

"I appreciate the fact that you like my suit," Sunghoon smirked. "But we both know who the real murderer is, right?" 

"The place is bombed." Ujin's words made Sunghoon's heart drop. "I don't care if it's a wedding or whatever, I don't have time for happily ever after love."

"I swear if-"

"The place will turn to ashes in about," He muttered before staring at his watch. "Ten minutes? Yeah. If not less."

"Fuck," Sunghoon turned around and ran inside the place as he headed to look for the fire alarm. He needed everyone to get out of the place. It was such a shame for that luxurious hotel to all burndown, but he couldn't really do anything. He had no idea where the bomb was, and by the time he'd beat Ujin to tell him, everything would have been gone.

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