7 - Red Wine & Strawberries

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"Wow." Y/N heard when she walked to the boys in her deep red dress that perfectly matched her hair. Kwan's eyes were slightly wide open and she gave him a little smile. "You look... breathtaking."

"Thanks, Kwan." Her smile was genuine because out of them all, Kwan was her favorite. He was honest and loyal and very, very kind. 

His eyes stopped sparkling and he looked at her apologetically for some reason she couldn't figure out yet, but he seemed to like her. Then her gaze averted to Ujin who couldn't take his eyes off her.

Her hair, the slit in her dress, and the look she had on her face. It. All. Made. Him. Go. Insane.

He knew he shouldn't have let himself fall deeper for her, but he did. Because no matter what he did to stop those feelings, his heart couldn't stop racing whenever his eyes fell on Y/N, and the urge to make her his wasn't helping either.

"Yeah," He uttered, feeling like she had put a spell on him. "You're... mesmerizing."

Y/N was taken off guard for a moment as she tensed, but then she cleared her throat and flashed him a ghost of a smile before turning on her heels and walking away. 

Mr. Kang was in his office, he's the one to accompany her to the wedding since he has connections with the Seongs and he's invited too. It was the perfect opportunity to be introduced to Min Jun officially. 

"Mr. Kang?" She knocked on the door and walked inside after he told her to. "Are you ready?"

"Yes, Y/N. Are you?" He asked as he stood up, dressed in the tuxedo Y/N had gotten for him. He looked very good. "I'll just get something quickly and then come to you."

"Okay. I'll wait for you outside." She smiled and slightly bowed before she stepped out of the office, but before she knew it, Ujin grabbed her hand and pulled her away with him.

"Ujin, what are you-"

"Y/N," He muttered as he slowly and carefully pinned her to the wall behind her. "The thought of that fucker Min Jun touching you or even staring at you makes my blood boil."

"Why?" She raised an eyebrow while keeping intense eye contact. 

"Because I want you," Ujin's lips brushed against her collarbone and she let out a gasp, her hands in his grip slightly shaking. "Only to me."

"Ujin, you shouldn't-" His lips went from her collarbone to her shoulder, to the side of her neck, and until they were so close to her lips.

"Stay safe, Y/N." After uttering those words, he pressed a kiss to her forehead and just walked away as if nothing had happened. But Y/N stayed frozen there for a few seconds until she was reminded that she had a mission and Mr. Kang was waiting for her.

What the hell is wrong with Ujin? The thought couldn't leave her mind even when she was inside the limo with Mr. Kang.

"Y/N," He muttered as he reached for a small box next to him. Y/N hadn't even noticed it was there.

"Yes, sir?"

"There you go." Handing her the box, he smiled softly, the smile of a loving father. She had never seen her father smile at her like that before. "It's for you."

Y/N took the black box before she hesitantly opened it, and when she did, her eyes widened as she placed a hand over her mouth. 

"Sir..." She muttered, her eyes glued to the beautifully displayed necklace.

It was shining under the limo's lights, and the ruby stood out the most. The vibrant red color made Y/N's eyes sparkle; it was exquisite. 

"I hope you like it." He said in a soft tone and she couldn't stop her eyes from glistening. He was the only one she could show her soft side to. Well, not the only one.

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