27 - Everything

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"They're out of sight," Sunoo's voice filled their ears as they hid behind the towering trees, their figures shrouded by darkness. The moon, veiled behind heavy clouds, cast eerie shadows across the abandoned warehouse district. "I can't see anyone."

Sunghoon's brows knitted together in a deep frown, his senses tingling with unease. "So many fucking men, and not a soul in sight? Something feels wrong."

Y/N, her heart pounding against her chest, raised her gun and leveled it at Bora's man, her grip steady. "I told you, if you're lying to us, I'll kill him right here." Her voice dripped with venom, emphasizing the gravity of her threat. "I'm just reminding you."

"Stop," Sunoo's voice commanded through their discreet ear devices, halting their movements abruptly. "Haru. He's on the rooftop. Fuck, he's tied up and he's alone."

Y/N's blood ran cold, her heart clenching in a vice-like grip. The realization sent a surge of adrenaline coursing through her veins, sharpening her senses to a razor's edge. Haru was in imminent danger, trapped and vulnerable. 

Without wasting a moment, they stealthily infiltrated the warehouse, their movements swift and calculated. Their footsteps barely made a sound against the concrete floor as they navigated through the dimly lit corridors, weapons ready to unleash havoc at the slightest hint of danger.

Each breath felt electric, charged with anticipation, as they advanced deeper into the heart of the enemy's lair. Shadows danced along the walls, their distorted figures a macabre symphony of danger. 

But their steps flattered at the sound of clapping. It echoed through the corridors like a sinister symphony, sending shivers down their spines. Then a voice, laced with a chilling blend of amusement and malice, cut through the air. "Bravo, bravo! You've made it this far, but I'm afraid the show has just begun."

Ujin, the puppet master of this twisted game, emerged from the darkness, his figure bathed in an eerie glow cast by a single flickering light above. His eyes gleamed with sadistic pleasure, reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated. 

"You fucking asshole." Y/N's voice trembled with a mix of anger and grief. This was the first time she had come face to face with Ujin since he had ruthlessly taken the life of Mr. Kang, the man who had been like a father to her. A lump formed in her throat as memories of the past surged to the forefront of her mind. The images of Ujin's attempt to kill her, the pain she had endured, flashed before her eyes, igniting a burning fury within her.

The clapping intensified, echoing through the corridors, mocking her very existence. Ujin's sadistic grin widened as his men stepped beside him. "Y/N, my love, you've grown quite formidable. I hoped to break you, to see the fire in your eyes extinguished, but here you stand, defying my expectations."

Y/N's grip on her weapon tightened. "Shut the fuck up, Ujin. You don't deserve to talk when you're nothing more than a pathetic excuse for a human being."

"You'll regret those words-" His eyes narrowed, his sadistic grin replaced by a seething rage.

"You know, Ujin," Sunghoon held her hand and pulled her behind him, hiding her from such a menacing presence. "I almost feel sorry for you. How desperate you must be to cling to power, to hide behind your gang of mindless thugs. Deep down, you're nothing but a coward, incapable of facing the consequences of your actions."

"One more word and your dear Haru will be nothing more than a bittersweet memory." Ujin's face twisted with humiliation, his composure cracking under Sunghoon's cutting words. But he had Haru as a hostage, and it was his only way out.

The mention of Haru's name struck Y/N like a lightning bolt, the threat slicing through her like a knife. Her heart clenched with fear for the innocent life hanging in the balance.

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