3 - Mind Games

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"Is this really a good idea?" Y/N asked as she stepped out of a car the boys had found for her. She couldn't ride her own car to the bar. "If things get messed up I'll kill you all."

"Shut up, Y/N," Mark muttered through the Bluetooth device in her ear and she had to remind herself to beat the shit out of him when she was back. The boy acted as if she wouldn't return and kick his ass. 

"Asshole." She muttered.

"I heard you," Mark said and she rolled her eyes.

"I said it for you to hear, you idiot." She said as she made her way to the bar's entrance in a navy blue sparkly dress and rose gold heels that she highkey rocked. 

"Your ID, Miss." The bodyguard said as she raised an eyebrow at him when he looked her up and down. 

Showing him her fake ID that Mr. Kang made her, she smirked. "She's gorgeous, I know." She said when he kept staring at her ID picture.

"She is." He said while - literally - undressing her with his eyes, looking from her red hair to her heels. "Gorgeous as fuck."

"Yeah, now move the fuck away." She muttered before bumping shoulders with him while her heels echoed through the place. Goddamn it, she was a head-turner. 

"You don't have to pick fights with everyone." She could hear Kwan's remark in her ear as she fought the urge to roll her eyes.

"You don't have to put your nose in my business."

"It's our business, Y/N." He said and she scoffed.

"You should have come here yourself, then." 

"Yeah, wow, I'm excited to wear a dress and heels and bounce my nonexistent long hair so I can turn heads!" He exclaimed and Y/N almost snapped at him. 

My ear, you motherfucker. She thought as she sighed heavily, trying to keep her cool. They had told her that Seong Min Jun was there in one of the VIP rooms, and now she had to find a way to go there.

Y/N made her way through the crowd and to the center, scanning everything and everyone around her as she danced. Everyone was either dancing, drinking, or making out somewhere. When her gaze landed on a guy dancing, the corner of her mouth lifted.

As she danced, she slowly made her way in front of him. And just like she planned, he put his hand on her waist as he stared at her.

"Look at this hot chick." He whispered in her ear and she smirked. 

"You're quite familiar... I've seen this handsome face before." She said while smirking.

"That's Kim Su Bin, the heir of Kim Corporation. He's a VIP." Ujin said through the Bluetooth device and she smiled, feeling satisfaction as it best. She knew who he was, she had been seeing his face pop up on every mission she took.

Su Bin drank the wine in his hands as he stared at her. "For sure, this handsome face is famous."

"Kim Su Bin?" She whispered and he grinned.


Y/N's hands found their way to his neck as her arms rested on his shoulders. "You wanna have fun... Su Bin?" 

Ew. She cringed at herself but kept her seducing smile for the sake of the mission.

"Oh yeah." He said and pulled her out of the crowd as the two of them made their way upstairs. The guards bowed at him and Y/N raised an eyebrow.

"You're a genius," Mark said in her ear and she smiled happily as Su Bin opened one of the rooms with a card. And they both walked inside. 

Sitting on the bed, Su Bin sneaked his arms around Y/N's waist before he pulled her on top of him. "You look-"

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