5 - W.D.Y.W.F.M?

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Y/N smiled at Min Jun as the two of them walked out of the store while he was holding the bag for her. "Thank you, Min Jun."

"Oh, it's alright, you're welcome." He said, smiling back at her as she looked away and at the men in black suits walking beside them. She didn't even realize that his bodyguards were there too.

The two of them walked side by side until one of Min Jun's guards fell on the floor, blood dripping out of his head as the sound of a gunshot echoed through the place. The sight was horrifying and all the guards stood in front of Min Jun as he stood in front of you.

"Stay close to me, Yejin," He uttered, eyes full of anger and disappointment. "He must be here again."

Y/N knew he was talking about Sunghoon, but was it really him? She knew that it wasn't hard for him to kill someone but for some reason, something deep down told her that it wasn't him. 

However, the moment she wanted to believe that it wasn't him who was after Min Jun now, he appeared in front of her like thunder. She froze, their eyes meeting as he ran past her, his gaze never leaving her as he loaded his gun.

So it was him. 

She felt betrayed. She really wanted to believe that, maybe, it wasn't him this time. But it was, and he was after Min Jun. He even killed someone, not that it was a surprise to her but now that she saw it with her own eyes, there was no place for doubt anymore.

Sunghoon was an incorrigible villain.

But why was he so reckless, knowing that Min Jun had his bodyguards with him? They went after him as he ran upstairs and Y/N just stared at them with a racing heart. They could kill him.

"Yejin, you need to get out of here." Min Jun turned to her with worry written all over his face. "I can't let him go after you too."

Y/N nodded, her eyes wide open as she looked around her in wary. "You should get out of here too."

"No, I need to see them catching him with my own eyes." He muttered and she gulped. "This is the last time he'll be able to hurt one of us, I won't let that happen again. So just go, I'll have one of my guards drive y-"

"No, there's no need for that... thank you, though." She said before quickly walking away from him, glancing over her shoulder and at him as he stared at her with an apologetic expression. "Fuck it."

Y/N didn't leave the building, instead she rushed to the nearest bathroom and changed from her dress to her black clothes, pulling her black hoodie over her head because her hair would easily give away her identity. And right away, she ran upstairs while looking for Min Jun, his men and Sunghoon.

The gun in her hands was loaded as she looked around for any danger. She thought she could let them kill Sunghoon but deep down, she really couldn't. The sound of footsteps was heard across the place as she hid next to a huge door, waiting for the right time to run. But right then, someone put a hand on her mouth and she froze, her heart sinking to the ground.

"It's me." It only took him a few words to make a part of her ink in relief, but the other part felt fear and worry. Because although it was Sunghoon - whom she knew even before he uttered those words because his touch was so familiar and unique - she still felt scared. 

He was capable of killing and she was one of his enemies, people after all.

Although she wanted to push him away from her, she kept still and tried to not make any noise that would give away where they were hiding. The place eventually became silent and she sighed heavily.

"They want to kill you, Y/N-"

"Get the fuck away from me!" She slightly yelled as she pushed him away, her eyes holding so much hate as she stared at him. "You're the last person to warn me about that, you filthy murderer! You killed people!"

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